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  1. Forilian|Europeia

    [DRAFT] Prohibit Private Prisons

    I would believe that the aim of this resolution is to prevent the prison companies from making more money on more prisoners, removing the incentive for prison companies to promote/create a cause/turn a blind eye to crime.
  2. Forilian|Europeia

    [DRAFT] Prohibit Private Prisons

    Here is an updated draft:
  3. Forilian|Europeia

    [DRAFT] Prohibit Private Prisons

    That is a very interesting point! I never thought of that angle before. Thank you, I will take a look
  4. Forilian|Europeia

    [DRAFT] Prohibit Private Prisons

    Some services could be contracted out potentially to save costs. Of course, there’d be strict guidelines to ensure that these services are of a high enough quality. Though I am open to reasoning about why they shouldn’t be contracted out at all, and all run by the state.
  5. Forilian|Europeia

    [DRAFT] Prohibit Private Prisons

    Hello! I’m from Europeia, and I am submitting this here for recommendations. :)