Search results

  1. BossGoldenRen


    Nickname(s)?: Nope none Main Nation?: Nowotheron and Qidia RL Country?: US of A Favourite Colour(s)?: Black, Red, Yellow, and Green. Do you use Discord?: Yes Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Whoever makes the most sense at the time. Do you enjoy Roleplay or...
  2. BossGoldenRen

    Registered Residents

    I'm a TNPer and my TNP nation is <Puiwen>
  3. BossGoldenRen

    The Boss Arrives

    Hear ye, Hear ye.. I have arrived to show everyone how to get a nation sanctioned by every country in under three months. Kidding partially but I just wanted to say hello, and I hope to be able to have a great time roleplaying with you all.