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  1. Prydania

    Map of the World of Sorras

    Map Update Blank Map Additions -Numenia
  2. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Exposing the Scalvian Occupied Government @SOG_Patrol • 5d ON 5 JUNE 2017 KING TOBIAS III MET WITH THE SCALVIAN AMBASSADOR IN A CLOSED DOOR MEETING FOR FORTY-FIVE MINUTES. WHAT WAS BEING DISCUSSED? #ExposeSOG 45 Retwitches • 73 Likes Alrekur Laufkvist @alrekurlaufkvist • 5d Replying to...
  3. Prydania

    The Purging Fire [OPEN]

    Dr. Lief Engelstad watched as Gunnhild Lyng eyed the paintings that adorned the wall of the room they were waiting in. She hadn’t said a word since they got here, though it wasn’t for Lief’s lack of trying. He’d tried to be friendly after introductions were made, but she hardly seemed to...
  4. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    HH Tobias III Loðbrók @konungurprydansk • 4h Toby is my nickname. Tobias is my nicholasname. 427 Retwitches • 936 Likes Marcus Kristophson @CallMeMarc • 1h How did *you* win a war? 842 Retwitches • 4205 Likes HH Tobias III Loðbrók @konungurprydansk • 31m You should have seen...
  5. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    HH Tobias III Loðbrók @konungurprydansk • 4h Toby is my nickname. Tobias is my nicholasname. 427 Retwitches • 936 Likes Marcus Kristophson @CallMeMarc • 1h How did *you* win a war? 842 Retwitches • 4205 Likes HH Tobias III Loðbrók @konungurprydansk • 31m You should have seen...
  6. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    HH Tobias III Loðbrók @konungurprydansk • 4h Toby is my nickname. Tobias is my nicholasname. 427 Retwitches • 936 Likes
  7. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Prydanskréttlætiflokkur @PRF • 1w #Prydanskréttlæti 189 Retwitches • 512 Likes
  8. Prydania

    Dì Lóng Guó Worldbuilding

    Ba Sing Se Imperial Prison The Long Nineteenth Century The Nineteenth Century saw the Most Serene Kingdom of Predice exert its influence over the Empire of Great Aria. The city of Ba Sing Se, second largest in the Empire only to the capital of Longjing, was effectively handed over to Predice...
  9. Prydania

    Prydanian News Section

    A Brutalist Look at Býkonsviði by Símon Lærum Býkonsviði is a very old city, with records of habitation going back to even prior to the Bayrdi's arrival in what is now Prydania. The Bayardi city of Bakenveld, from which Býkonsviði sprung from after St. Vortgyn's Unification, pre-dates the...
  10. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Hallvard Wangen @hallvardurbrandari • 2d Did anyone catch this interesting thing in @RæningiComics #25? Ræningi takes place in Býkonsviði and they stick pretty closely to the city geography except in #25 we see that what is IRL a couple of restaurants on the Nýhöfn is in the comic a branch for...
  11. Prydania

    Prydania Worldbuilding

    Beers of Prydania Beer is a vital part of Prydanian culture. In part this is due to Prydania's long history as an agricultural breadbasket, with wheat and rye being staples of Prydanian agriculture and diets for centuries. Prydania's love of beer is an inherited cultural trait from their...
  12. Prydania

    Prydanian News Section

    Is Spilvel a Santonian Company? by Hilda Hylen Note from the Editor: This story deals with Spilvel Group, a company owned by this paper's parent company, Rochedragon-Höj. We have striven to address the story in an independent and unbiased manner, held to the same standards we would hold...
  13. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Ísgeir Aðaldal @ÍAðaldal • 5h Prydania was one of Craviter's richest countries in 1984. The economic downturn caused by the SoComm regime, and the extreme economic mismanagement of the Syndicalist Republic in pursuit of leftist orthodoxy ruined this country. We are only now, close to a decade...
  14. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    François-Louis Villault @FLVillault • 1 y Santonian kids are being indoctrinated by Prydanian cultural imports! Santonian kids must be taught to be proud of their own culture! Not immigrant culture! 1.8K Retwitches • 20.8K Likes Heidi Höj de Rochedragon @HHR • 1 y Replying to...
  15. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Sölvi Buhl @SBuhl • 1d @ÍAðaldal, I'd normally ask you this over the course of an interview, but this is a Twitcher question so I think it should be asked here. You've become fairly well known in Prydanian political circles for Twitches where you take leftist politics to task. Yet you've been...
  16. Prydania

    Pan-Gotic Union

    "Heimurinn er vampíra." That was an old phrase Anders Osbernsen's mother had told him whenever things got hard. Any setback, however minor, was a reminder that the world extracted a toll as a consequence of existing in it. Then the Syndicalists came. The War came. And if heimurinn er vampíra...
  17. Prydania

    Map of the World of Sorras

    Map Update Blank Map Removals -Lumina
  18. Prydania

    Map of the World of Sorras

  19. Prydania

    The Girl of the Sun

    "BRAVE SHINE!" A pillar of flame engulfed the demon as Arbia's hair, now glowing golden, fluttered in the wind. The Arkians at her command cried out in triumph, their leader's display of this long lost power spurring them on. The blast of golden fire had carved a path through the demonic...
  20. Prydania

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  21. Prydania

    Admin Requests

    I need to be masked as Minister of Culture. Please and thank you! :)
  22. Prydania

    Opening Address- Culture+

    It's a great day for Culture. We're once again consolidating radio and comms under Culture, allowing us to streamline the cultural activities! So what's in store for us? Movie nights will continue. Music Monday and Theme Thursday will also continue! We're going to push for more game nights...
  23. Prydania

    Oaths of Office

    I, Prydania, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Minister of Culture, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  24. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Ísgeir Aðaldal @ÍAðaldal • 5h Ideologies don't grant someone the moral high ground, actions do. 936 Retwitches • 1.3k Likes
  25. Prydania

    A Note on Heloon

    Hello! It's Pry, Lead RP Mod in TNP. After consulting with the TNP RP Mod staff, I have made the decision to indefinitely ban the user known as Heloon, Hel, Heloonia, Heloonia Islands, among other variations, from all TNPRP settings and TNPRP specific platforms. Heloon has been a member of TNP...
  26. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    VasaMon @VasaMonOfficial The official Twitcher account for the VasaMon video game! A joint venture of @vapour @korotek and @STCAgames Haland, Prydania Joined January 2020 57 Following 3.8M Followers VasaMon@VasaMonOffical • 1h #anniversary #vasamon 709 Retwitches...
  27. Prydania

    The Purging Fire [OPEN]

    "I'm not a criminal!" Lief protest as he paced around the room. He wasn't restrained in any way, other than that he was stuck here. There was a mirror along one wall, clearly a two-way that those ÖSU types were standing behind. "I thought we didn't do this shit anymore!" he angrily yelled at...
  28. Prydania

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Herra Grænn @HerraGrænn • 1h It's New Year's Eve! Place your bets on who and what gets mentioned in the King's annual New Year's Eve speech at herragræ Wager like a gentleman at Herra Grænn! #newyearseve #kingsspeech 452 Retwitches • 718 Likes
  29. Prydania

    2024 World League of Gojan Football Contest of Nations

    OOC: Congratulations to @Ianmey7 for the Imperium Suavicidi's victory! And congratulations to @Sil Dorsett for the Principality of Sil Dorsett's strong season. The two of them gave us an awesome title game that came down to the wire. Thank you to all who participated!