Search results

  1. DeloreanVandaveer

    Major Cities

    RankCityMetro area population (2018 est.)Nation% of National Pop.Nations Capital? 1Inti3,305,000New Trisone17.68%No 2St. Osage2,840,000New Trisone15.19%No 3Clearing2,480,000New Trisone13.27%No 4Kozark City2,110,000New Trisone11.29No 5Poplarville1,861,000New Trisone9.96%No
  2. DeloreanVandaveer

    Local News Topic

    The Ch'iqtaymayu ChatterNovember 5th,2018 Rain Rain Go Away The rain now enters its sixth consecutive day, with forecasts predicting a wishful end to this seemingly unending storm by tomorrow morning. There has been reports of flooding near norther St. Osage along the Missona and Minori rivers...
  3. DeloreanVandaveer

    Local News Topic

    An excerpt from the St. Osage Post-Dispatch: "With the election of the newest mayor, Sarah Van Ijzer, multiple new initiatives have been passed by the Burrough Committee. These are mostly grants for the development of parks in all 9 burroughs, ranging from small renovations of existing parks to...