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  1. Xadowia

    Voting in the WA

    Thanks to the brother Nations who have answered. The answer is clear enough. I hope this thought was helpful for all! Thanks again! Xadowia
  2. Xadowia

    Voting in the WA

    I don't know whether or not this is the right place to post this issue, feel free to move it to a more appropriate place in case. I ama WA member, and as all the WA members I am prompted to express on the resolutions at vote. I know there is a TNP representative to the WA and when I can I...
  3. Xadowia

    Last letter -> First letter

  4. Xadowia

    [Complete]At Vote: Liberate Hogwarts [Complete]

    Present To be honest Xadowia does not know what is this about, did not follow the happenings. So I am confident our delegate will cast the best vote for the interests of our beloved Region. Thanks
  5. Xadowia

    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    Is there any problem with logging from a corporate account? Please let me know in order to comply with eventual rules I don't know! Thanks Xadowia
  6. Xadowia

    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    I, the almighty King Xandonius the LXIV, leader of The North Pacific nation of Xadowia, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under...