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  1. Tomb

    A New Term

  2. Tomb

    Results: May 2020 General Election

    Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!
  3. Tomb

    Voting: May 2020 General Election

    Delegate: 1.< Prydania> 2. < Gorundu > 3. < Rocketdog > 4. < Mall > 5. < Yuno > 6. < Praetor > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Artemis > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes >
  4. Tomb

    Count to 10 before NPA can post

    0 -- sorry :P
  5. Tomb

    The Peanut Gallery - Criminal Complaint Against McMasterdonia

    I don't think the personal attacks and labeling are necessary or warranted; however, I must say that a gross misconduct filing is way too excessive in this situation. McM's actions though the campaign stood to overwhelmingly benefit TNP and its institutions, sparking a wave of regional activity...
  6. Tomb


    Ukiah, USA
  7. Tomb

    Count to 10 before NPA can post

  8. Tomb

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: The Democratic Republic of Tomb Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Communications Previous experience: HA: Longtime Home Affairs Minister | Comms: Deputy Communications Minister; Assisted with the development of the initial ranking...
  9. Tomb

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: The Democratic Republic of Tomb I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North...
  10. Tomb

    How to increase influence

    Jayraqia, this thread is almost 9 months old, my friend, and it has already been resolved. Well said, but please avoid gravedigging.
  11. Tomb

    Voting: May 2017 General Election

    Delegate: Abstain. Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: Kasch Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: Owenstacey Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  12. Tomb

    Happy Birthday Scorch!

    Happy Birthday, Scorch! :)
  13. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    I never got to properly thank you guys, but I really appreciate your support. You are the backbone of our campaign and our region, and I am proud to have your support and your endorsements. Thank you so much, my friends. :wave: #KaTomb
  14. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    1. I, first and foremost, respect the RP Moderation Team. I think the concept of the RP Mod Team is a great idea. I believe, though, that at the same time, RP is also an integral part of our region's culture. I believe that the Mods are fulfilling and should continue to fulfill the duties of...
  15. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    Calm down, bud, I'm not dodging any of your questions, and I've been answering all of them in detail to the best of my ability. You asked me a question about which Ministry I wanted to abolish, I gave you an answer: none of them. It's as easy that. There's no dodging, and there's no reason for...
  16. Tomb

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Hundred Worlds, TheVampireCode, Great Solordia, Otto IV, Puczovska, and lightG98 pass the Vice Delegate security check.
  17. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    Hello there, my silliest friend :P There is a long story about it actually, but three and a half years of playing this game has really wrecked my memory. I do remember I was playing Tomb Raider at the time (2014) -- which is where I got the name from. There was more to it than that, but my...
  18. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    Thank you for the follow up question, Mystery Player. We'll achieve this through cooperation and collaboration with my Minister of Defense, the Command Chain (the Generals), and the various Officers in the NPA. Basically, we will have a few missions arranged at every minor update, and anyone who...
  19. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    1.) I'll certainly be reaching out to the AG's Office whenever I need legal advice, and I'll certainly urge my Ministers to do the same. That's really how the relationship between the Delegate and the AG's Office has always been, and so I don't anticipate it changing under my helm. 2.) I...
  20. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    Simply put, we would move on. I am convinced that the CAIN amendments before the RA right now are going to pass, but if there was an upset, and the amendments are not ratified, then we would move on. Under my Delegacy, TNP will continue to make combatting Nazism a key objective in both its...
  21. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    Hi Praetor, if you look at the questions, I'm not skipping around -- I'm merely answering them in the order they were received. Your questions came after Darc's and Plemby's, so naturally, they would be answered after them, which I am doing right now. I hope that clears it up, my friend.
  22. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    Zyvet's Questions It’s hard to comment on whether it’s generally better for the Delegate and Vice Delegate to stand together. It really depends on the circumstances and the situations leading to the pair up as well as the two candidates pairing up themselves. But I’d be happy to reflect on why...
  23. Tomb

    Tomb for Delegate - May 2017

    Hi Dark and thanks your inquiry. All questions will be answered by this evening. This week coincides with my exams week in RL and it also happened to be one of our busiest weeks at work. I've been working on answering questions, though, and I hope to have all answered and posted in a few hours.