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  1. Saeturn Valerius

    Embassy of the FRA

    *leaves doughnuts for McM*
  2. Saeturn Valerius

    Embassy of the FRA

    Founderless Regions Alliance Update - 1st December 2013 Hello, My name is Flowering Staplers and I have been elected as the new Arch Chancellor of the FRA. I've been defending now for four (ish) years on and off with the FRA and serve within the UDL as Militia. I was awarded Ranger of the Year...
  3. Saeturn Valerius


    I figured since I'm hanging out in your IRC, might as well be polite and join your forums. Saeturn Valerius here, supplementary ambassador from Wintreath and citizen in a whole bunch of places. Here to have fun. :Hello: Nickname(s)?: The Saturnian Republic Main Nation?: The Saturnian Republic...