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  1. Lord Nwahs

    Three Word Story

    shooting ducks using
  2. Lord Nwahs

    Three Word Story

    neighbours who are
  3. Lord Nwahs

    Three Word Story

    Kaschovia, who are
  4. Lord Nwahs

    Three Word Story

    in Matzerati's lair
  5. Lord Nwahs

    Three Word Story

    stolen from Simone
  6. Lord Nwahs

    World Timeline

    AD 59: Rioting breaks out between the people of Pompeii and the people of Nuceria during a gladiator fight in Pompeii. Thousands are killed.
  7. Lord Nwahs

    World Timeline

    AD 57: Emperor Guang Wu grants Nakoku (located around modern-day Fukuoka City) a golden seal, being the oldest evidence of writing in Japan. In return King Na sends an envoy to China.
  8. Lord Nwahs

    Three Word Story

    juggling fifteen sandals
  9. Lord Nwahs

    World Timeline

    AD 55: The Roman jurist Sabinus writes three books on the rights of citizens.
  10. Lord Nwahs

    Three Word Story

    sandwiches, eaten by
  11. Lord Nwahs

    Word Association
