Search results

  1. A Hunka-hunka-burnin'love

    Americans are the sexiest

    If you changed "most attractive" to "most narcissistic", then the poll would make utter sense! :P
  2. A Hunka-hunka-burnin'love

    Left or right pinkie?

    My girlfriend says that I should be more refined and not blow my nose on the sidewalk. She suggests that I might use my small finger to pick my nose, so avoiding too much attention being brought in our direction which she finds most embarrassing. I love her dearly and want to please her, but I...
  3. A Hunka-hunka-burnin'love

    Should I leave?

    You should always follow your best instincts.
  4. A Hunka-hunka-burnin'love

    Hi there

    Aah do like cheeseburgers, for sure. But peanut-butter shakes me-up real good! :D
  5. A Hunka-hunka-burnin'love

    Hi there

    Good to be here, thank you very much!