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  1. armed bears

    RMB Spam Warning Center

    I agree!
  2. armed bears

    NS seems to be dying

    I believe there are sufficent nations and players to keep this game active. The problem is that they are scattered in a huge number of regions. We have over 7,000 regions and 90 percent of these regions have less than 10 nations. It would be great if we encourage the more active nations in these...
  3. armed bears

    POTW: Your least favourite feeder

    I have a significant distaste for one particular feeder and so far 50% of you argee with me!
  4. armed bears

    Your favourite Pacific

    The North Pacific is my favorite Pacific region! Period! I voted for the South Pacific - they seem like nice folks but I'm not planning to move there! :yes:
  5. armed bears

    At Vote: Prohibit child pornography

    I have seen similar posts in other regions. I agree with the concerns about this resolution. I'm sure the author of this resolution had the most noble intentions but he went too far. There are major problems with several articles. My WA nation already voted against this resolution.
  6. armed bears

    NPA Suggestion!

    I have two suggestions! First, I would set up a North Pacific Army forum with a subforum "Recruiting Booth." Include an introduction to the NPA and reasons to join etc. Second, I would post many recruiting ads on the rmb. If you see an ad has scrolled off then post another. MIght also send...
  7. armed bears

    The East Pacific

    I believe the bulk of the Gatesville army is currently engaged in the occupation of the East Pacific. If you attack the North Pacific - you will have to fight a war on two fronts. That is not the best tactical position.
  8. armed bears

    The East Pacific

    Don't hold your breath! :rofl:
  9. armed bears

    NS2! Beta Version Released!

    You can't just say you have a beta key and stop there! We want details! Lots and lots of details!
  10. armed bears

    NS2! Beta Version Released!

    See the link below. The game is being tested by a group of "beta" players. You cannot register without a beta key however the names of various nations, continents, and worlds are all active links - you can move around and bowse etc. This is very interesting! Nation pages show a lot of...
  11. armed bears

    The East Pacific

    I am concerned about the similarities to the recent Crimson Order situation. Gatesville helps put the delegate in power and one of the first things the new delegate mentions is this great campaign to expand and end inactivity. This is a quote from the introduction of her brand new forum. I...
  12. armed bears

    Want to be a TNP Citizen?

    Please sign me up also! My TNP nation is "The Armed Bears." Thanks very much,
  13. armed bears

    NS Public Embassies

    Ragarding the NS Public Embassies - I believe such a venue should operate in strict neutrality. I was surprised to see Romenoch join the invader forces in Lazarus. He endorsed -Hellraiser- and he make several posts on the Lazarus rmb supporting the invasion. [edit: spelling error]