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  1. Cordova I

    Embassy of The Commonwealth

    The Commonwealth Update CW Government Monarch: Rose I Crown Prince: Rix Prime Minister: Vacant; Filled in by Rix Intelligence: Vacant Defense: Evil Wolf Foreign Affairs: Caninope Interior: Lord McEntire Culture: Councillor of Venura House Speaker: Rix Supreme Court: Vacant Civil Court: Deyan...
  2. Cordova I

    Embassy of The Commonwealth

    As a special note, I would like to regretfully inform TKR that Henry I and rEVOLutionairs seceded from the Commonwealth. Could any Commonwealth-specific masking please be removed from those two accounts? Now, with your regularly scheduled update. COMMONWEALTH FOREIGN AFFAIRS UPDATE Friday, 6...
  3. Cordova I

    Hi from the Commonwealth

    Sounds great!
  4. Cordova I

    Embassy of The Commonwealth

    Thank you, Mr. Delegate. :) What an interesting avatar you have there. Is it a prism?
  5. Cordova I

    Hi from the Commonwealth

    Hello there, I am the newly appointed ambassador from the Commonwealth. I am extremely pleased to be here in your beautiful region. Oh, and on a more personal note, hello HEM! I know him pretty well I would say.
  6. Cordova I

    Embassy of The Commonwealth

    Dear Minister, Thank you very much for setting up this new embassy. I look forward to getting to know your lovely region. :D By the way, on a more personal note, hi HEM!
  7. Cordova I

    Embassy of Europeia

    Europeian Foreign Update [hr] Dec.30th/07, 10th Congress, 10th Cabinet, 5th Senate Population: 100 Nations Regional Power: Moderate UN Delegate: Paleomiz Lt. UN Delegate: Helpfulboots/Nlhp Executive Government Supreme Chancellor: HEM Vice-Supreme Chancellor: Pineapleboy President: Lethen Vice...
  8. Cordova I

    Embassy of Europeia

    NP Seasons Greetings!
  9. Cordova I

    Embassy of Europeia

    Weekly Europeian Foreign Update [hr] Dec.20th/07, 10th Congress, 10th Cabinet, 5th Senate Population: 100 Nations Regional Power: Moderate UN Delegate: Paleomiz Lt. UN Delegate: Helpfulboots/Nlhp Executive Government: Supreme Chancellor: HEM Vice-Supreme Chancellor: Pineapleboy President...
  10. Cordova I

    Embassy of Europeia

    I would like to announce that HEM is our new ambassador. :clap:
  11. Cordova I

    Embassy of Europeia

    Unfortunately, Ambassador Rev has resigned. I shall appoint someone to replace him shortly. Thanks for your understanding.
  12. Cordova I

    Embassy of Europeia

    Thank you very much, Mr. Prime Minister. We try to keep things interesting in Europeia. :D
  13. Cordova I

    Embassy of Europeia

    I would like to announce that Revengerous (my Junior Foreign Secretary) has been appointed by me as the new Europeian Ambassador to the North Pacific. He will take the oath as soon as he arrives. :yes: - Europeian Foreign Secretary
  14. Cordova I

    Embassy of Europeia

    Thank you very much, Minister. I shall appoint an ambassador very shortly and he will post this: "I, member name, representing the region name, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship. I understand...
  15. Cordova I

    Embassy and Consulate requests

    To the esteemed Minister of External Affairs, Greetings from the Foreign Secretary of Europeia, a mid-sized region. Would you be interested in exchanging embassies and diplomats as a sign of friendship, peace and cooperation? There are 100 nations in our region, I will send an ambassador as...