Search results

  1. S


    False advertising, man!
  2. S

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ has been listening to The Division Bell recently.
  3. S

    Describe the Person Above You

    Thinks stalking is probably ok when committed by ^, but don't tell the courts that.
  4. S

    I Just...

    I just send an email to the one, the only, IG. And also changed my flag back to the divine prism. And applied back to the WA. Must remember to log in every now and again...
  5. S

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is an old fogey, and in good company.
  6. S

    Dear DD

  7. S

    Who Posts Next?

    Yep! Er...IndieGirl, since I see she's descended from the higher plane to browse again.
  8. S

    Roll Call

    Yep. Have a guess.
  9. S

    Appointing a President

    lol holocaust deniers.
  10. S

    Most Influential

    Sydia is ranked 17th in the region and 28th in the world for Most Influential. Up another few places. Hurrah.
  11. S

    Endangered Species Protections

    Oh, don't get me started. Even way back when I was authoring the Children in War resolution in the UN I had people moaning because a Buttfuckistan 'year' was actually three million of our Earth years or whatever. Not realising of course that if I provided the dictionary definitions the...
  12. S

    Endangered Species Protections

  13. S

    Endangered Species Protections

    Does this mean no more panda-burgers?
  14. S

    Who Posts Next?

    Yep! DN?
  15. S

    Repeal Condemn Nazi Europe

    Oh, yes, the lobbyists, just tell him it's up to your constituents.
  16. S

    Who Posts Next?

    Good Christ! It's you! I thought you'd ascended to a higher plane of existence.
  17. S

    World's largest gummy bear

    Om nom nom.
  18. S

    An article about me!

    Haha, oh dear. Wait, were they being serious?!
  19. S

    Decree from the Supreme Leader

    :lol: When the Iranians deliver a truck full of depleted uranium to your house, don't say I didn't warn you. If you're gonna have a pop at religion have a go at the Buddhists, or Anglicans. Cake or death?
  20. S

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Didn't he say something about tech trouble?
  21. S

    What should we do about the CLO?

    Get rid, seeing as how there's nobody in it.
  22. S

    Oaths of Office

    I, Sydia, do hereby solemnly swear that during my legally obligated term as Vice Delegate I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a...
  23. S

    Acceptance Speech

    Don't forget to post the oath!
  24. S

    Acceptance Speech

    :lol: Well I guess I was asking for that.
  25. S

    Acceptance Speech

    Let me be the first to congratulate you on a campaign well fought and a delegacy well earned, JAL! I will remain in my position until the time of transfer, whereupon I'll be perfectly fitted to be in the VD position, back where I started! Thus the region will remain secure as it always has been...
  26. S

    FEC running for delegate

    Well, that's a good start. :D
  27. S

    FEC running for delegate

    Then what's your answer?
  28. S

    FEC running for delegate

    Interpret the question however you'd like.
  29. S

    FEC running for delegate

    Your opponent, JAL, is barking mad. How can you counter this advantage?
  30. S


    Vote or die! :boom