Search results

  1. Unistrut

    Embassy of Nasicournia

    Case in point. :rolleyes: :lol:
  2. Unistrut

    Embassy of Nasicournia

    Nasicournia does things a bit differently than most other regions. Every citizen gets a vote so there is no "Regional Assembly". They prefer a minimum of unnecessary bureaucratic clutter. Gives them more room to spam the place up and post dirty banana emoticons, I suppose.
  3. Unistrut

    Pope Hope: Vote Early and Often

    Masking isn't that much work, really. Especially with a non-inclusive setup. If you set each permission mask's permissions (and the forum permissions) properly, it is a matter of seconds to have a person masked correctly. A lot of people don't feel comfortable mucking about in an admin control...
  4. Unistrut

    Convention on Espionage and Warfare

    Greetings North Pacificans and foreign diplomats. I come here today not as a representative of my Empire of nations but simply as a player of NationStates. Recently we have had a couple of rather unpleasant, unethical, and possibly illegal actions take place regarding two regional forums. These...