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  1. Grosseschnauzer

    Admin Team Changes

    How disrepectful. At least given me a designation of Root Admin Emritus with no admin access. If you respect my service you can do that much. Otherwise, I am resigning from all relationships with The North Pacific and with Nationstates. You had no right to do remove me from access to the...
  2. Grosseschnauzer

    Proposal: New Flag and Coat of Arms

    Mr. Speaker, IIRC, members can move to shorten formal debate, and if so, I so move. The reason is to allow as much time as possible for Bootsie to work on the coordinated change that would be needed for the forum skin, which in actually is a forum administration matter, but I's like to make...
  3. Grosseschnauzer

    Splitting Chapter Six of the Legal Code

    Because the bill continues to contain errors that were not corrected by its sponsor, I mus t abstain on the vote.
  4. Grosseschnauzer

    Executive Officers

    It be nice if some of you would have read my earlier post. I did point out some of the exact same concerns others raised in subsequent posts. And it doesn't change the need to respond to how the SC admission process works in the future; and the other concerns I mentioned about how to retrieve...
  5. Grosseschnauzer

    Executive Officers

    I suspect we are going to have to think through how the devolved functions are assigned under our system for use in game....that goes beyond border controls. And how to specify in our laws which in game function is going to be held by what office or position. I do see a problem, though in the...
  6. Grosseschnauzer

    Proposal: New Flag and Coat of Arms

    My thought would be that the line of text for the links be a little further down so there's more white space relatively speaking to work with . In layout sense, the text being horizontally spread out would allow a slight increase in front height, and still have all the links on one line and not...
  7. Grosseschnauzer

    Proposal: New Flag and Coat of Arms

    Bootsie,I'd love it if you can keep it as close to the current skin as possible. The main thing I see that needs fixing is the various links along the top, if you try to set your browser so that is a single line, the whole thing is pretty small and hard to read. And please keep an eye on the...
  8. Grosseschnauzer

    Admin Requests

    All but The Spokesman of Eumenor done. Since that one is a role player moderator, will need to find how to change permission set to resident since there is not one in the ACP, just the masking set. Edit. All now done.
  9. Grosseschnauzer

    Request for Suggestions

    Pretty sure some of those types of fonts are available through Corel Worperfect. Pretty sure Wingdings is. McM, if you can find a web posted image of those fonts, it would make things easier to check. I have a ton of fonts installed on my notebooks.
  10. Grosseschnauzer

    Mod Requests

    Looks as if this was already done.
  11. Grosseschnauzer

    Mod Requests

    Can you at least provide us with the link to each of the threads, etc., to make sure admin and GMods are moving the right threads? I'm not familiar with that area of the forum, and thus increases the risk of errors. Alternatively, admin may need to discuss whether we can provide a limited use...
  12. Grosseschnauzer

    Proposal: banning law

    The bill does not work for me, and I believe it is unconstitutional as a violation of the Bill of Rights, "equality of vote" and other provisions therein. It is also a bill of attainment and a violation of equal protection and due process of law. That said, this proposal be allowed to...
  13. Grosseschnauzer

    Voting Methods

    There have been several election systems for the Court. The idea of electing the Chief separately from the two Associate justices was one such, as electing all three separately was another variation. Another system tried to choose the highest vote getter as Chief and the next two as Associates...
  14. Grosseschnauzer

    Voting Methods

    In the first post-Pixiedance era constitutions, with the Delegate and Cabinet, the Delegate was majority, and each Cabinet position, including a Prime Minister were plurality. As other offices were added, Vice Delegate, Court, Attorney General, and Speaker, and an R.A. based Security Council as...
  15. Grosseschnauzer

    Eluvatar's Security Council Application

    How shall I say this? Some of us have been trying to get Elu back on board for years. Support.
  16. Grosseschnauzer

    Constitutional Amendment: Rename the Security Council

    The Agora is a free speech area that's outside the governmnt. We couldn't call it "The Forum" (as it was known in Ancient Rome) for obvious reasons, so we went to the Ancient Greeks instead, and found that "agora" had essentially the same meaning and usage. And it has the advantage of being...
  17. Grosseschnauzer

    Constitutional Amendment: Rename the Security Council

    First of all, as one of those who helped developed Tresville's original idea years ago, the Security Council has always been about securing the region and the elected Delegate process we have in TNP. As other have already noted, it is not a legislative body, nor is it a house of Lords or other...
  18. Grosseschnauzer

    Voting Methods

    The pure form of the preferential does exist in the RL US, in publicly held corporations, or closely held with a fairly large number of shareholders and shares. In such situation, in general, each share equals one vote, and the owenr or their proxy can cast the votes in whatever way they wish...
  19. Grosseschnauzer

    Request for Suggestions

    My own personal favorite is a font named "Optima" or "Zapf Humanist." It is elegant, clean and has an extremely contemporary feel to it even though it was created by Hermann Zapf in 1958. If you recognize the font, it is used on...
  20. Grosseschnauzer

    Amending Citizenship

    I can think offhand of several ways in which the ban could be evaded. As such, my response was correct. And if I can think of some, others could as well. (And I am not going to foolish enough to actually list and describe them.) One thing to keep in mind. When Cathyy was banned from the...
  21. Grosseschnauzer

    Splitting Chapter Six of the Legal Code

    Incorrect reference to the NPA Doctrine Law towards the end. What exactly was added or removed language wise? Such bills should not make any substantive changes, and if they are any, they should be clearly noted as discussed.
  22. Grosseschnauzer

    Proposal: New Flag and Coat of Arms

    Minor issue, not a biggie. I did go over to Old Blue, and while I didn't find the voting thread there, I did find a post from Thel, who stated he had designed the coat of arms and flag ovr a year before (early 2004) and they were adopted in June 2005, when I supervised the debate and vote under...
  23. Grosseschnauzer

    Polandball topics

    With certain exceptions such as pornspam, warnings are only issued or raised after discussion, or after a prior discussion indicates that future conduct of the kind specifically warned would result in further warnings. As I recall with this matter, the last discussion ended with a warning and a...
  24. Grosseschnauzer

    Voting Methods

    Instinctively, this ranking system forces voters to rank when they do not want to rank. This idea is based on a multi-party system hypothesis, which hasn't developed here, and I do not believe it is an appropriate one for TNP. For most of TNP's history we had no political parties and candidates...
  25. Grosseschnauzer

    Voting Methods

    I see no particular reason to make this change. And I see even less reason to change to some other system of voting. Sometimes I might be willing to vote for one candidate, it none of the others, which is why I dislike any form of preferential vote as it creates pressure to vote for those whom...
  26. Grosseschnauzer

    Amending Citizenship

    "Would" and "should" doesn't mean "Will."
  27. Grosseschnauzer

    Amending Citizenship

    Technicalities aside, nothing would prevent a forum banned nation from making the argument and there have been enough examples of that sort of reasoning in our past not to be concerned that it could be raised and accepted in spite of the technicalities. Ignoring the problem won't be enough...
  28. Grosseschnauzer

    Amending Citizenship

    Yes we do Elu. Forum bans are just as effective when the delegate is chosen off site and then installed in game.