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  1. riz

    [APPEAL]My Citizenship

    My citizenship was removed even tho i had a nation called Long Trip Back @Picairn
  2. riz

    [LEGAL]Condemn Vulpine

    The World Assembly, Recognizing that VULPINE has raided,destroyed the community of Europe and has banned half the nations in Europe ruining the population.Knowing that VULPINE will return more for their power in Europe again for the influence in Europe Hereby Condemns VULPINE
  3. riz

    APPEAL:NPA and Militia application

    NOTICE:Admins can change this to a suitable thread So.yeah when i applied to NPA and Militia,i asked why andnever got a response
  4. riz

    Nominate someone to get bombed in NS

  5. riz

    F.C Barcelona Journal

    F.C Barcelona Journal If you like it maybe considering a like? By:Sawenia
  6. riz

    Manchester United Journal

    Manchester United F.C Journal Hello,Nice to meet you.What brings you here today if your here to support my posts then thank you very much. Time of posting Monday-Thursday 3:00 Friday(not sure yet) Saturday Off Sunday 2:00 etc
  7. riz

    My Journey

    The Journey Of Sawenia This thread is created to tell my journey in real life and in NS
  8. riz


    So about the thing that Comfed told meh i did not really understand can someone explain it o me
  9. riz

    [Gallery] The North Pacific vs NorthArdenyan - Split from Courtroom

    rigged court fr
  10. riz

    Nah,Just getting attention,not much i just played the court

    1. What law, government policy, or action (taken by a government official) do you request that the Court review? [16:06]Dreadton: i would ask for a restatment that we are in the argument phase [16:06]Dreadton: i dont want someone to come back later and say hehe you screwed up here see you in...
  11. riz

    Confederation Of Northern Regions Embassy Request

    Name of Your Region:Confederation Of Northern Regions Government Type:Confederation Head of State/Government:Vologda State Head of State/Government (if not the same as the above):Russia 36 Head of Government Contact Details:Vologda State(NS) Minister of Foreign Affairs Contact...
  12. riz

    Resignations of Nations

    This thread is for posting for resigning so the whole Agors page will not be full of resignations from TNP and not ministers,deputy ministers,GA and SC,please post here.Thanks!
  13. riz

    TNP Cup

    For who is intrested in the cup please pm the host of the cup (in forums/ns),I am holding for this month,Please do not post here,Only members/staff of TNP Cup can post here for the newest cups NATION: CLUB/ASSOCIATION: MONTH:
  14. riz

    Suggestion for events

    Just post here if you have a reccomendation.
  15. riz

    The Banner Request Thread

    Please use the template here Nation: Banner design: Text(optional): Send it to you by (Telegram/Conversation/Public)
  16. riz

    Apply your nation to the Hockey Championship

    APPLICATIONS OPEN FROM 16th October-31st October Clubs Hockey United Match Championship United(MCU) Winter Champions United Champions Arabic Club(UCAC) Lumberjacks. Cyclones. Mustangs. Timberwolves. Dutchmen. Sea Dogs. Ice Hogs. Wolverines United Hockey Jerusalenn Champions United Hockey...
  17. riz

    [Denied] Application to the Regional Bar:Ardenyan

    Application for Admission to the Bar Applicant name: Part One: Experience as a Justice or counsel 1. Have you served as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing Officer)? <No> (if No, move to question 5) 2. Between what dates did you serve as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing...
  18. riz

    DRAFT Of Factbooks

  19. riz


    A poll deciding something
  20. riz

    [Denied] Application For Admission To The Bar:Ardenyan

    Application for Admission to the Bar Applicant name: Part One: Experience as a Justice or counsel 1. Have you served as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing Officer)? <No> (if No, move to question 5) 2. Between what dates did you serve as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing...
  21. riz

    Repeal Restriction On Children Labor

    General Assembly Resolution #4 “Restrictions on Child Labor” (Category: Civil Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void. Understanding that children has to get jobs such as Cleaner,Chef etc because their parents threatned them to.According to This Act, which...