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  1. Noclaf Ipsagel

    "First Contact" - An Inaius RP

    FIRST CONTACT An RP by Noclaf Ipsagel & A T-72 (NOTE: Before reading this, please check out the WBing thread on The Astral Commonwealth, which will give you general info & explanations when reading this RP thread. Additionally, the WBing thread by A T-72 as well! Links...
  2. Noclaf Ipsagel

    "Interstellar Archive" - The Astral Commonwealth (Worldbuilding)

    The Astral Commonwealth (Introduction) The Astral Commonwealth, is a large faction & order which unified after a 50-year long interplanetary conflict, known as "The Half-Century Space War". This Worldbuilding thread will cover the current state of The Astral Commonwealth 9 years after The...
  3. Noclaf Ipsagel

    My summer journey

    Hi there, welcome to my new thread! :hello::wave: Greetings everyone. For the past 5 years of my life, I've gone through a lot of pain. Now, I won't exactly share every detail, but I can explain some things in private (or you can ask some of my friends also on the forums :p). In short, a lot of...
  4. Noclaf Ipsagel

    Incidents of Kumaria thread

    Hello there, It's the amateur film maker and photographer, Goji. What is this thread you may ask? This is a thread on a project I've been working on along with @Maurnindaia [fr] (who is the one spearheading the project). Incidents of Kumaria is an action cyberpunk political drama taking place...
  5. Noclaf Ipsagel

    The Naipra Islands [Worldbuilding/Lore building]

    NOTE: This is a thread for Worldbuilding and Lore building only. No Forum RP posts here. likes for the posts are allowed but no comments here. This is also in a big WIP, so I apologize for how it looks as of right now :/ Table of Contents: -Overview -Geography Overview The Islands of...
  6. Noclaf Ipsagel

    The Noclaf Studio

    Hey there everyone :wave:! Welcome to my studio, where I upload 2 of the best things I am good at. Photography and Cinematography. Now you may know what Photography is, but what is Cinematography? Well It is the art of making motion pictures (or making movies). As an Amateur of both of these I...
  7. Noclaf Ipsagel

    [Strangereal] The Gavin Legaspi Show

    WELCOME TO THE HOME THREAD OF GOJI'S TV SHOW, GAVIN LEGASPI (It's also Lionsroar's show btw :D, we talk about certain things and plots in the show)! This place is where we will post some animated parts of the RP posts, lore facts, art, and many more ^^! We hope you like it so far, you can give...