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  1. Ann


    Ok, i'll admit that I have not been the best MoEA possible, I did my best, but in the end I failed. I never had a real passion for foreign affairs, I had a passion on military, judicial, and legislative affairs. In the end I feel I was only picked out of the lesser of 2 evils for the position...
  2. Ann


    I've been sick these past days, again :( So I will not be around too often which is why Kor will be the acting minister till I return.
  3. Ann

    Ambassador Applications

    Apply to become a ambassador here, just fill out the following information:
  4. Ann

    Deputy EA minister

    Well it looks like i'm in need of a deputy EA minister, requirements: Member of the RA, Citizen of the North Pacific. Also I need you to fill out this small application:
  5. Ann

    Update Draft

    I believe it is time we draft a embassy update for October-November, Here are some key concepts I think we should all cover: ~RA Happenings, ~Justice Elections, ~Cabinet Appointments, ~CLO elections, ~War updates, If you want to contribute to the update feel free to do so! :)
  6. Ann

    Roll Call

    Please here if you wish to continue your ambassadorial duties, and do me a favor and include the regions you were assigned to so I can update the list accordingly. ty, Ann.
  7. Ann

    Office of the External Affairs Minister

    Looks like i'm the new EA minister, time to get to work! :yes: So if it was not obvious at this point this will be my office thread that I will maintain throughout my term. I ask that you openly ask any questions that you need answered related to this ministry. :)
  8. Ann

    McCain's VP rejects

    Link: Current
  9. Ann


    Hi, its Ann from TWP, i was bored so I decided to make a puppet here, hows everyone?