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  1. CaptainChaos

    3 months away but coming back!

    Hey all, i thought i would pop in, and say i am back. Only for 3 weeks at the minute as my flat mate who has the internet set up leaves soon and it'll take a while for me to get it set up. So, missed me?
  2. CaptainChaos

    It's time to go.

    Hi all, I am sorry to say that i have made a decision to give up NS. I have had alot going on in my RL recently which has meant i haven't been able to give my time to TNP or my nation. I don't have regular internet access anymore and i think it's just best to say goodbye now. I've had some...
  3. CaptainChaos


    Everyone, I just wanted to let you know the reason i haven't been around much lately and the reason i wont be for a while. My grandad is very sick having suffered a mini stroke and picked up an infection. He has now been in hospital 5 weeks and has refused food and medicines for 2 weeks. The...
  4. CaptainChaos

    A christmas story

    A Christmas Story 'Twas the night before Christmas--Old Santa was pissed. He cussed out the elves and threw down his list. Miserable little brats, ungrateful little jerks. I have a good mind to scrap the whole works! I've busted my ass for damn near a year, Instead of "Thanks...
  5. CaptainChaos

    CaptainChaos's holiday picci's

    As promised!! Pictures removed at CaptainChaos's request As well as all the above i went quad biking, sun bathing, done loads of shopping, camel riding, watched a belly dance show, walked alot and ate and drank lots!!! Despite wasting the last few days in bed ill, i had a brilliant time and...
  6. CaptainChaos

    Captain Chaos going away

    Just to let you know i am going on holiday for a week on sunday, so you can all have a break from my spam! I'm off the to United Arab Emirates - Dubai to be more specific. I'll be around probably until tomorrow night but then i'm gone! Take care and don't take over NS without me!! :hug: to...
  7. CaptainChaos


    I couldn't find a poetry thread - maybe i am going blind - but i wanted to share this poem i found. I think it is beautiful. Beautifully stated As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have...
  8. CaptainChaos

    Who are the Admins of the forum?

    Yes the title says it all. Please can an admin either pm me or post here. It's quite important as to why i need to know. Thanks in advance
  9. CaptainChaos

    New York Plane Crash

    Just saw the news and that a plane crashed into a building in NYC. I heard four people have died and some are trapped in the building. I hope everyone's friends, family and yourself are ok and safe. Thinking of you all. ~ Holly ~
  10. CaptainChaos

    Raising awareness

    This may seem somewhat of a distressing post but i feel i owe my friend the time of day. A friend of mine created a video to raise awareness about a deadly disease that took our friends life. We aim to encourage people to love themselves and everyone else. If you are easily distressed, please...
  11. CaptainChaos

    Hi all

    Hi, i have just registered, have been meaning to for a while now but RL being so busy meant i haven't had time. I can see there is alot going on in this forum and that it's very active - bear with me while i learn everything!! I hope to have some fun here, whilst making some friends - but of...