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    Motion to Recall COE

    I wish to recall COE as well.
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    Voting: May 2013 Vice Delegate Election

    ]TNP Nation[/b]: Leekem Vice Delegate: Blue Wolf II
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    Voting: May 2013 General Election

    Leekem: Delegate Jamie Vice Delegate: Blue Wolf II Speaker: Leekem
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Yes for the first question, your right, some regions fall short of your ideals. Unfortunately I can't remember a time that TNP did not stick to the god given rights it gave to its people. This election, itself, is a privilege; some regions don't even have these. We celebrate that the...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    If I had to chose a pop music video for my job for Speaker. I would chose Thriller by Micheal Jackson, becaus the job a speaker is exciting and enthralling. Thriller is a action pack music video that I fine describe the job of a speaker very well.
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    When I say agonize, I meant that people was just throwing questions at me to spite me because of what I said to COE and I do not want that. It means I like to have people from different races, social classes, and financial status grouped as one. I would explain to the author that assembly...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Listen, in response to everything that has been occurring since my nomination was accepted, with my competition, COE, I would like to clear up a few things. Now, do I have a problem with COE personally, no I do not. He has helped me with certain things, since I've been on nation states. In...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Well Eluvatar, then the vote is past because the majority of who voted wanted the law.
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    I feel my campaign went wrong when I mentioned my predecessor, if I am elected , COE. A lot of controversy arose when I spoke about him. I plan to win support back by elaborating on m y ideas and explain why I'm best for the job.
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Iro, you know the advantage I think I have over my other opponents is that I am the common man. I wasn't in the government like COE or my other opponents. They've been in the government so long they have probably forgotten about the ordinary person. I wasn't always a forum user. I haven't...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    The capital is Ouagadougou.
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Now Alvino Castillon I did not want to be his deputy speaker but another ones. I guess you can say that for better or for worst. I did want to take a political opportunity in preparation for this job I am currently running. What not to get about the sentence. He had the power to persuade. He...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    As for your first question the game was set up in 2002 and wittiness say the North Pacific is one of the oldest region on the game. Therefore, it has existing for more than a decade. Have you ever been to the North Pacific page; it says Where the democracy is strong, the debate robust, and the...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    You have a point there Alvino Castillon, but the issue was getting larger and larger so an opportunity came along and I took it. You know seeing that vacancy hurt me because I couldn't offer my skill to the TNP. I know he wasn't obligated to place me their, in fact he couldn't but he the power...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    I did converse with him on these issues but he didn't seem to take action on my issue. So, what I'm suppose to do. Stand back and get walked all over on. No. I took action by running and hopefully if I'm elected if someone needs my help I will respond and tend to their aid.
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Yes Iro, I'm sorry, me living in the United States I get confused between their polices and our. I am running for Speaker Of the North Pacific. I used the wrong word, I meant to say prejudice;unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Ok, let me clear up all this controversy over this issue with COE. Let me give you an example of a problem I had with him. I wanted to have a job in the administration as a deputy minster. I talked to him about, he responded and said he would try. Never got back to me. I talked to the delegate...
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Well Mall, it not that I specifically disagreed with the work COE has done but I feel he could have done better and I feel if I'm elected I could do better for the people of the North Pacific.
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    Nick(a.k.a Leekem) for Speaker

    Do you know what the North Pacific was build on a decade ago? It was built on the principles of democracy, liberty, freedom, and justice for all. These are the principles I try everyday to institute in my country, Leekem. This is why Leekimians are strong and noble people. I understand these...
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    NEW VOTE: Special Election for Delegate

    TNP Nation: Leekem Delegate:| Lord Byron
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    VOID: Special Election for Delegate

    TNP Nation: Leekem Delegate: Lord Byron
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    Voting: March 2013 Judicial Elections

    Leekem Leekem Attorney General: Gaspo Justice 1: Punk D Justice 2: King Durk The Awesome Justice 3: Abbey Anumia
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    NOMINATIONS: Special Election for Delegate

    I nominate God n Country n Byron for the office of delegate.
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    Queen of The Netherlands Abdicates

    That's nice she gave the throne to her son.
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    I think it's a good idea
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    Registered Citizens

    I'm a TNPer and my TNP nation is Leekem.
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    Help Desk

    Thank you so much. I plan to run in July, is it possible to nominate yourself and how do you do it.
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    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    Thank you so much Speaker of the House. Approximately how long do you think that an administration will do a security check. The sooner I am accepted the sooner I can vote and possibly hold an office in this months Judiciary elections...
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    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    Leekem Leekem I, Leekem, leader of The North Pacific nation of Leekem, pledge loyalty to the region, to abide by its laws, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war...
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    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    I am sorry Your honorable Speaker of The House. Are you able to tell me what wrong with my application so I can fix it. This way I will be acknowledge in the Regional Assembly. Sincerely...