Search results

  1. L

    Leekem for Attorney General

    Salutations, My fellow North Pacifiers, I am Leekem and will be running for the office of Attorney general. I have been a part of nation’s states for nine months now, but have heard of it for much longer than that. I am a political expert, and I figure in order for you to pick the best candidate...
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    Leekem for attorney General

    Salutations, My fellow North Pacifiers, I am Leekem and will be running for the office of Attorney general. I have been a part of nation’s states for nine months now, but have heard of it for much longer than that. I am a political guru, so to speak, and I figure in order for you to pick the...
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    November 2013 Judicial Election

    Yes I will, as soon as the ECs put my name on the ballot.
  4. L

    November 2013 Judicial Election

    Attorney General
  5. L

    November 2013 Judicial Election

    I would like to declare myself a candidate in this election. Thank You
  6. L

    RUNOFF VOTE: Special Election for Justice

    Leekem Justice:Mall
  7. L

    Voting: Special Judicial Election

    :Leekem Justice: Jamie
  8. L

    Nominations: Special Election for Justice

    So will I be able to nominate myself tommorow
  9. L

    Nominations: Special Election for Justice

    Yes I have been Delegate Mcmasterdonia, Look at this. Sep 6 2013, 08:06 AM Post #793 Member Avatar Posts:67Group:Regional AssemblyMember#2,282Joined:February 27, 2013TNP NationLeekem - - - - - Leekem I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of Leekem, pledge loyalty to The North...
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    Nominations: Special Election for Justice

    I nominate myself
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    Voting: Special Attorney General Election

    TNP Nation: Leekem Attorney General: punk d
  12. L

    Voting: September General Election

    TNP Nation: Leekem Delegate: Mcmasterdonia Vice Delegate: Sanctaria Speaker: <Belschaft
  13. L

    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    Thank you so much, delegate Mcmasterdonia
  14. L

    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    Leekem I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of Leekem, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war...
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    Nominations: September General Election

    It can be found here: The Figh[/URL] figh As you can see I may have put it in the wrong place but I put and would like readmission to TNP.
  16. L

    Nominations: September General Election

    No I placed it in the Agora, Temple Courts, around July 14, 2013. If you look their you should find it. If not I will reply but wondering if I do have to reply will be still time for me to run in the race
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    Nominations: September General Election

    No but I told them I have asked for a vacation grant from July 15 to August 25 therefore allowing me to miss votes until my return.
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    Nominations: September General Election

    I have been a RA member for months, surly a mistake has been made.
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    Nominations: September General Election

    I nominate myself for vice delegate.
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    VOTING: July 2013 Judicial Election

    TNP Nation: YOUR TNP NATION Justice 1: Malashaan Justice 2: Gracius Maximus Justice 3: r3naissanc3r Attorney General: Blue Wolf II
  21. L

    Leave of absence

    I, Leekem is requesting a leave of absence from the 16th of July to the 25th of august due to vacations reasons and the inability to assess a computer their.
  22. L

    Zimmerman acquitted

    I believe he should have been found guilty but it is how the American judicial system is created. Because they say if Zimmerman was a black man he would have been in jail already but since he is white they were more sympathetic towards him, but now they started a revolution because people in New...
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    Malashaan for Justice

    Alright you obtain my vote.
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    Malashaan for Justice

    I like your points and you've got my vote if you could explain why we should vote for you rather than the other canadiates.
  25. L

    Oaths of Office

    I, Leekem, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as election commissioner, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
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    Elections Commission Appointee applications

    I hereby state that I, Leekem, will not be a constant or participant in this election, reasoning being I am the interim EC.
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    Elections Commission Appointee applications

    Due to my interests in politics, I Leekem, would like to persue the roles and duties of EC. For me to supervise and make this election to be carry respectfully and correctly, would be a honor.
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    Voting: June 2013 Special Judicial Election

    Leekem: Leekem Justice 1: Blue Wolf II Justice 2: Hileville