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  1. Romanoffia

    Reforming the Penal Code

    How about a clause which prohibits excessive or unusual penalties?
  2. Romanoffia

    Voting: March 2018 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select up to 3): Zyvetskistaahn | BMWSurfer | Lord Lore | Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  3. Romanoffia

    The Dojo of Roman - Quote of the day

    "Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice" ------- Grey's Law
  4. Romanoffia

    Recall THO's

  5. Romanoffia

    The Dojo of Roman - Quote of the day

    We face a conflict between civilisation and culture, which used to be on the same side. Civilisation means rational reflection, material wellbeing, individual autonomy and ironic self-doubt; culture means a form of life that is customary, collective, passionate, spontaneous, unreflective and...
  6. Romanoffia

    Monthly Memoirs for January

    What was your favourite NS moment of 2017? I can't say. I was hiding. In hibernation. Lurking, that is. Which is what I should have done for the most part since game started. :lol: What are your new years NS resolutions? be nice to people - even the ones who are not so nice to me. Eat...
  7. Romanoffia

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    That makes three of us. No, wait. I know exactly what is going on here and I assure you it is quite nefarious.
  8. Romanoffia

    Optimistic Diplomacy - A NSWF Lecture

    It is better to be a pessimist than to be an optimist. If you are an optimist, you always expect things to go right, and thus, you are always disappointed when things go wrong. If you are a pessimist, you expect everything to go wrong and thus you are never disappointed, but you are always...
  9. Romanoffia

    The Dojo of Roman - Quote of the day

    "It's OK to have beliefs, just don't believe in them" ------- Guy Ritchie
  10. Romanoffia

    Recall THO's

    Yeah, but at least here, no one loses 50,000 emails or hacks anyone's servers. :P
  11. Romanoffia

    The Dojo of Roman - Quote of the day

    "God is the greatest comedian of all times and his greatest joke is the Universe - because we have been waiting at least 15 billion years for the punchline." ------- Roman
  12. Romanoffia

    Recall THO's

    And thus typical of politics in TNP. I agree whole-heartedly.
  13. Romanoffia

    Happy birthday Flemingovia!

    Happy birthday Flem. But I am an older fart than you!
  14. Romanoffia

    The Dojo of Roman - Quote of the day

    "Microsoft stinks." ------- Roman (and about 4.2 billion other people on Planet Earth).
  15. Romanoffia

    Login Glitch

    Just a heads up on a technical issue involving Firefox browser - had a problem trying to log in to the forum for the past week - any attempts were met with a failure to connect to the server that hosts the forum. The symptoms of the problem are: 1.) You go to the forum URL and the page comes...
  16. Romanoffia

    The Dojo of Roman - Quote of the day

    Today's philosophical quote: “This is very similar to the suggestion put forward by the Quirmian philosopher Ventre, who said, "Possibly the gods exist, and possibly they do not. So why not believe in them in any case? If it's all true you'll go to a lovely place when you die, and if it isn't...
  17. Romanoffia

    Motion to Declare an Emergency Situation

    We need to add Boxing day to this Emergency Declaration, and in the spirit of inclusiveness, we must add the Ancient Roman festival of Festivus for the rest of us!
  18. Romanoffia

    Closing Legal Loopholes Amendment

    Is not the BOR technically part of the Constitution? Or at least a document without which the Constitution cannot exist and vice versa?
  19. Romanoffia

    Court Review Service

    This is all very obstructionist and bureaucraticalististic, if indeed that is a word.
  20. Romanoffia

    Three Word Story

    Nuked the planet. :P
  21. Romanoffia

    The Ombudsman bill

    An Ombudsman is essentially a mediation officer who deals with redress of grievances which usually would not fall under the heading something which would be adjudicated in a court. Essentially, it would be a "Complaints Department" dealing with general gripes, which, would most likely provide...
  22. Romanoffia

    Egyptian Word Association

    Demotic Script.
  23. Romanoffia

    Reduction of Warning Level

    Many thanks.
  24. Romanoffia

    Reduction of Warning Level

    Not sure if this is the proper place to make such a request, but, I would like to petition the Admins to reduce my warn level if they see fit.