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  1. Romanoffia

    Amusing Discord Quotes

    Some offensive person got in my face at the grocery store today and I stared them straight in the face, sniffed sever times, turned up my nose at them and said, "excuse me. Are you fermenting some kind of cheese? Perhaps a native feta?" They freaked out.
  2. Romanoffia

    Chapterhouse of the Order of Gryphons for TNP

    This is still around! Cool! I was one of the early members with Thel. :D
  3. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    I like that idea. The public information about any given nation is obviously available from the Endorse TNP page. From that information, you could simply create an automatically generated page or spreadsheet which a given SC nation's name is a link to all the specific information you cite. Very...
  4. Romanoffia

    The Osiris Oracle Issue Eleven- Back n Tings

    If you rearrange "Santa" you can spell "Satan". Just saying. :lol::lol::mad::cheese:
  5. Romanoffia

    Resignation from the Security Council

    I have to admit, you are spot on correct. While I disagree my endorsements and influence are replaceable (take a look at where I am), I have to agree with you on the other points. Yeah, I can be an ass when it gets personal. Who doesn't? As for my relevance, you would be surprised at my...
  6. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    Yeah, just looked at that part of the Constitution and you are right. No argument there. As per the status quo, I have concluded that the right to recall by the RA is indeed necessary. But I think more stringent activity requirements should be implemented just to assure activity on the part of...
  7. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

  8. Romanoffia

    A slightly more complicated change to NPA Doctrine

    A strong arm kills but a cunning mind keeps you alive. :wave:
  9. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    Now that's the type of humour and irony I appreciate! All sarcasm and joking aside, the purpose of this proposal is to set a specific process for recall in which certain states must be met in order to proceed with a recall, possibly by an automatic mechanism, but I will make not of that...
  10. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    That's not where I am going with this. Read my post just above this one. I'm going for a defined process with a specific legal bar to be met based upon the existing laws and prohibiting recalls not based in an actual violation of oath of office or existing laws. The current process is to prone...
  11. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    I completely agree with that point, but there has to be protection from simply being recalled because someone doesn't like you or for reasons not based in any violation of the law or Constitution. And how do you define 'harm'? And who defines what it is? And how arbitrary can it be? For...
  12. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    Yes and no. It needs to be revised. If this were the case, my bogus 'recall' from the Security Council would have been shot down before it got off the ground. This only proves that there is a great big hole in the Law and Constitution. The problem here is that you can recall anyone for any...
  13. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    It can actually be a markup of exiting law. A constitutional amendment would be better as it would enhance the provisions regarding due process and set a bar for recall/impeachment or similar procedures. Another problem with our 'recall' method is that there is too much opportunity for the...
  14. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    It was a grammatical and punctuation shange. I wish this forum format had an "edit history" feature. Ah! French Revolution reference? :P You have a good idea there about a commission to determine the merits of a recall. I like the idea, but the mechanics might get complicated and that is...
  15. Romanoffia

    A slightly more complicated change to NPA Doctrine

    Right with you on that. Names mean something. I'd hate for the NPA [sic] to be changed t something like the Military Forces Riding On Really Cute Pink Unicorns With Browning Automatic Rifles (MFRORCPUWBAR). No, wait, that would be a cool name. Besides, it's too tough to pronounce. I've never...
  16. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    Here's the proposition. Either as a stand-alone Constitutional Amendment or as a specific stand-alone law:
  17. Romanoffia

    Motion to recall El Fiji Grande as Speaker.

    I was just being an A-Hole to demonstrate the inanity of the loose use of recalls.
  18. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Oh, and the animosity continues. You are whipping a dead horse and you know it. You have exposed yourself as one of the usual suspects. What are you going to do next? Use your admin power to silence legitimate criticism? Go ahead. It will only prove my point. Nothing personal here, but your...
  19. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    @King SillyString First suspect. Why do you hate me so much? Why is your animosity for me so strong? Please tell me. Have at it. Enquiring minds want to know.
  20. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Did I mention that I am thoroughly enjoying this all? By the time I am done, the bullies will be humiliated.
  21. Romanoffia

    Resignation from the Security Council

    Too late. I was tired of the unwarranted harassment from a certain sector of people who hate me for some unknown reason and always feel they must beat up on Poor Ol' Roman every time the opportunity arises. All anyone had to do is to ask me to endotart or resign. Instead, the usual suspects...
  22. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    You said it right there - I did exactly what I was required to do and met every requirement of activity, endorsement level, etc.,,,. Is that a problem for you? :bigdoh: It's not a matter of what I have shouldered in the past two years. You seem to forget that I was the one and only person who...
  23. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    Of course! Sloths are too slow to redistribute.
  24. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    We need to restore a sense of humour to TNP so we don't have to create a 'sarcasm' or 'irony' emoticon (if that could be done).
  25. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    And none of these procedures were followed. It was moved to a vote before I even got any chance to actually defend myself. It just went to a vote. The decision to 'recall' apparently was already made before I had any real chance to mount any defence in the matter. RA Rule 3 was denied by the...
  26. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Well, it seems every time I even try to get involved I get attacked. I can't even say what time of day it is without getting attacked for no reason other than arbitrary garbage. It is exactly this attitude in TNP why I need to get involved. I'm the one who got victimised for simply obeying every...
  27. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    The actual problem is that there is no sense of humour in TNP and people take things too seriously.
  28. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    The problem is that no one wanted to even hear from me on this matter at all, and people made up their mind regardless of anything I have to say, and that is what I find so disappointing. Instead of taking advantage of and putting to use people with a very long resume of service and expertise...
  29. Romanoffia

    Request for Review

    My apologies.
  30. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Look, I've saved you all the trouble. I have resigned from the Security Council. Go beat up on someone else. It's not worth my effort and time to even fight this.