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  1. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    You want Icelandic ponies? I've got a neighbour (see what I did there?) who breeds them. Actually, his horses breed them. :P Funny trivia about Icelandic Ponies - if you ship one directly from Iceland to anywhere outside of Iceland, it can never return to Iceland. In fact, it is actually...
  2. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    Agreed. My apologies.
  3. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    I am saying that the very second I decide to become active again because RL now affords me the time, I get piled on by a recall, never given the chance to properly provide a defence, and despite the fact that I violated no rules or laws, but did what was required of me. But that is besides the...
  4. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    @Eluvatar - have you read the PM GBM sent me concerning a special condition on this? As she explains it, it is one month of moderation in return for a formal apology. I complied in a sincere fashion. I don't want to quote part of a PM on the forum as I think that is somewhat unethical without...
  5. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    Because it won't do any good. That's all I have to say about that. I was promised a deal and special solution to the issue in return for my apology which I sincerely made. And that I all I am going to publicly say about. I don't want this to turn into something which it is not or allow the...
  6. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    How long ago was that? 6 or 8 years ago? I understand the grave digging on old issues, but I tend not to appreciate it, to be honest with you. TNP has allowed former rogues and usurpers back into the region under a different 'persona', but they never forgive Roman for anything. If you must...
  7. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    I will respond to any and all questions you have, but I am on moderation despite being removed from moderation only to be put back on moderation after being removed from moderation and then put back on after apologising for what I did wrong to which I fully admit. At least let me respond to any...
  8. Romanoffia

    Just a quick question -

    I was informed that I was taken off moderation by the fact that for a brief time I was allowed to post normally last night after making the appropriate apology. I can forward you the appropriate PM from a mod team member if you like. I posted at least one thread last night that took instantly...
  9. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    The trouble is to get it enacted. The SC is not technically part of the 'Goernment" but rather an ad hoc arrangement to use game mechanics to keep invaders, usurpers and rogues from seizing the Delegacy and in practical terms, works purely with manipulating game mechanics in a legitimate fashion...
  10. Romanoffia

    Just a quick question -

    I was put on moderation and was taken off moderation last night. Now, suddenly, I am back on moderation for my posts. What did I do now? Just curious.
  11. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    I'm going to run a low key campaign, so, I will keep this to a minimum. I've served several terms as a justice going way back. My first term as a justice probably goes back 10 years or so. There are three principles I will primarily follow: Due Process, The Constitution, Legal Code and...
  12. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    OOPS! Unnecessarily redundant post. Deleted.
  13. Romanoffia

    RMB Regulations Bill

    There are two issues here - one involving game mechanics and one involving game play. To wit: Certain things posted on the RMB generally involve Moderation on the NS site side and game related issues such as excessive recruiting spam and the like. Spam unrelated to NS is a Site Related issue...
  14. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    I think specific and more stringent activity requirements should be put in place by the proper means. If not, we end up with too many SC members who have no incentive to actually be more than minimally active. Take, for instance, me. I should have been more active in terms of actually...
  15. Romanoffia

    A Public Apology To El Fiji Grande and a number of others I have offended

    I would like to apologise publicly for an unusually ugly thread I posted in which I offended @El Fiji Grande in a totally unacceptable, reprehensible and uncalled for manner, as well as others, as well as a PM I sent to @El Fiji Grande, which was equally uncalled for under any circumstances. I...
  16. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    What did you say? I wasn't paying attention. :tnprum:
  17. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    I'd l'd like to kick this back to the Security Council to see if they can come up with a public manner for the citizenry to observe the participation of all SC members in order to make an informed decision in such recalls. if the SC is willing to take this up seriously.
  18. Romanoffia

    [PASSED]Vice Delegate Check Efficiency Bill

    May I suggest an oath format change as per the required particulars: As it reads: "I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under...
  19. Romanoffia

    Chapterhouse of the Order of Gryphons for TNP

    Yeah, I could contact them. They aren't in NationStates any more so it might be a moot point. However, there are a few of us who were in the original Order, and I may be the only one left in TNP who is an "Order of Gryphons" member, so, I would suppose I could technically authorise it, so to speak.
  20. Romanoffia

    Chapterhouse of the Order of Gryphons for TNP

    Yes, indeed. I could actually do that, but it would be largely unethical and a rule violation without the initial founder's permission. A funny trivia point about the Order of Gryphons - it was an outgrowth of an idea to create a 'virtual' Masonic Lodge on the internet and most of the...
  21. Romanoffia

    Amusing Discord Quotes

    ^ Funny, that!
  22. Romanoffia

    The Ministerial Ethics Law

    Yes and no about a category of people referred to as 'whisperers' in any situate. In order for 'whispering' to be useful as a tool, anyone who here's 'whispers' is best to not let anyone other than the 'whisperers' know that they were heard. But I'm just being silly and rhetorical.
  23. Romanoffia

    The Ministerial Ethics Law

    I do not like this proposal at all. It creates a too nebulous bar to cross in terms of 'ethics'. "Ethics" is a tricky term: The Ethical man knows that it is wrong to cheat on his wife. The Moral man does not cheat on his wife.
  24. Romanoffia

    Amusing Discord Quotes

    ABC, but betterToday at 22:04 F CaligulaToday at 22:04 U ABC, but betterToday at 22:04 Wow rude CaligulaToday at 22:04 Of course. ABC, but betterToday at 22:04 True CaligulaToday at 22:05 Rude is the root of all really good humour. ABC, but betterToday at 22:05 Roots are also good humor Why did...
  25. Romanoffia

    Amusing Discord Quotes

    If I posted quotes from Discord, I'd get booted from the forum! :facepalm::cheese: