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  1. Techislovakia

    I blame JAL/Durk for....

    I blame jAL for the human trafficking in TNP
  2. Techislovakia

    Tell a Lie About the Person Above You

    ^ has fewer posts than me
  3. Techislovakia

    Corrupt a Wish

    your post becomes more interesting, so interesting infact that it goes viral to the point where so many posts are made per minute that you cannot possibly use the forums anymore. I wish that I was rich
  4. Techislovakia

    What's Under Their Bed?

    ^ 13 police detectives
  5. Techislovakia

    Who Posts Next?

    nope, tomb?
  6. Techislovakia

    Type with your Eyes Closed!

    humpty dumpty sat on a wall. humpty dumpty jad a great fa;; how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
  7. Techislovakia

    Conspiracy Corner

    911 was an inside job Jet fuel can't melt steel memes Bush did 711
  8. Techislovakia

    I Have...

    I have a knife
  9. Techislovakia

    Some of my best friends are...

    SOMBF don't think I'm OOTBF
  10. Techislovakia

    I Learned

    I learned to question everything
  11. Techislovakia

    Tell a Lie About the Person Above You

    ^ lives in greenland
  12. Techislovakia

    The TNP Skyscraper

    211: edward snowden's house
  13. Techislovakia

    Corrupt a Wish

    you get it, but are expelled for cheating I wish that I do well on my exam on tuesday
  14. Techislovakia

    Rate the Person above yous Flag!

  15. Techislovakia

    Flatter the Person Above You

    ^ has a pretty cool un-cluttered signature
  16. Techislovakia

    What's Under Their Bed?

    ^the eyeballs of his fallen foes
  17. Techislovakia

    Describe The Person Below You!

    well I could if i wanted to v wishes he could be as cool as kasch
  18. Techislovakia

    Eulogize the Person Above You

    ^isn't you and forgot his own name: was found in the parking lot behind a supermarket with customers claiming that he had been running around in circles yelling something about not knowing his own name before impaling himself on a blunt fence post
  19. Techislovakia

    Who Posts Next?

    nope Dark?
  20. Techislovakia


  21. Techislovakia

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    grabs some rum from behind the bar table; shhh kasch, I haven't seen a bartender around in ages. I'm sure they won't mind
  22. Techislovakia

    I Learned

    Learned that zachster knows nothing of the nazi regime
  23. Techislovakia


    poor in law, south pacific or east pacific
  24. Techislovakia

    Finish the statements

    fix his nuclear reactor
  25. Techislovakia

    Rate the Person above yous Flag!

    1/1, illuminazi flag
  26. Techislovakia

    Pet Peeves

    PP: feeling alone yet not wanting to talk to people