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  1. Techislovakia

    Oh, hi there.

  2. Techislovakia

    Hello, my name is Cain.

  3. Techislovakia

    What's Under Their Bed?

    ^The skeleton of his girlfriend
  4. Techislovakia

    The TNP Skyscraper

    317: the void I just escaped [DO NOT ENTER]
  5. Techislovakia

    Who Posts Next?

    nope dark?
  6. Techislovakia

    How do you imagine the person above IRL?

    I thought I recognized that avatar you have there
  7. Techislovakia

    OOC Ominous signs

    I'd prefer not
  8. Techislovakia

    OOC Ominous signs

  9. Techislovakia

    Who Posts Next?

    nah man, malph(i)e?
  10. Techislovakia

    Civilization VI

    Sounds like a great idea. Does anyone besides myself actually have Civ VI yet? The games are longer and more complicated than civ 5 (as far as I know there aren't any metas yet) I'm down for this idea though. The thing is that they have reduced the difference between the different countries in...
  11. Techislovakia

    Who Posts Next?

    nope dark? considering that we mostly know when each other are awake we should have a much higher success rate than we do
  12. Techislovakia

    [GA|DRAFT] Nuclear Energy Scheme

    Ok I'll take your suggestions on board and begin editing. btw the bold, italics, capitals and underline were done as a joke to mess with IA (the author of the current GA proposal) on the NS forums
  13. Techislovakia

    Ominous Signs

    "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ISN'T A SETBACK!" roared the chief of defence (#000003) from behind his desk. "but sir, the oktobergrad was an enemy warship, the goys knocked it out and we face no major repercussions." Admiral #070652 tried to reason "It's not the oktobergrad that worries me! How are we...
  14. Techislovakia

    [GA|DRAFT] Nuclear Energy Scheme

    NUCLEAR ENERGY SCHEME Category: Environmental Industry Affected: IDK/Manufacturing? Proposed by: Techislovakia Description: AIMING to encourage nations to invest in nuclear power, in order to reduce global emissions through providing an international exchange of information to help nations...
  15. Techislovakia

    The TNP Skyscraper

    F287: a giant Pepe statue
  16. Techislovakia

    Who Posts Next?

    Nope, Darc?
  17. Techislovakia

    Who Posts Next?

    njet nessie?
  18. Techislovakia

    What are you wearing?

    human skin... it still doesn't quite fit correctly over my chassis
  19. Techislovakia

    OOC Ominous signs

    good to know
  20. Techislovakia

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    nej yalllllkna?
  21. Techislovakia

    OOC Ominous signs

    holy crap, 12 million goy's. Techislovakia cannot compete with that! my pop is only 18 mil. I guess my ships may be retreating slightly. I never wanted a war! just to blackmail cogoria
  22. Techislovakia

    OOC Ominous signs

    lol keep your cobra manoeuvres to yourself :P I'm confused. People are attacking each other! I thought this was a peaceful passive aggressive blockade, not an aggressive passive aggressive blockade
  23. Techislovakia

    Who Posts Next?

    nah, dark?