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  1. New Bremerton

    [SC - Failed] Condemn Antifa

    And this justifies raiding peaceful RP regions how exactly? I don't care that you don't care. All very well and said. What does IRL Nazism have to do with RP Nazism? Also, the Russian and Chinese regimes are not theoretical either, and they exist in the present day. LGBT Chechens are being...
  2. New Bremerton

    [SC - Failed] Condemn Antifa

    Sorry if this sounds harsh, but "I'm offended because my family on both sides was wiped out by the Nazis" amounts to nothing more than simply "I'm offended", and I'm a staunch Zionist and supporter of Israel precisely because of what happened to the Jews in Europe, and what Arabs and Muslims...
  3. New Bremerton

    [SC - Failed] Condemn Antifa

    Changing my vote to FOR. The Reddington States has made a really strong case as to why his region was unjustly raided. The Northern Redlands, which to my knowledge is not a fascist region, was raided and refounded by NSLeft. This is a complete and total miscarriage of justice and evidence that...
  4. New Bremerton

    [SC - Failed] Condemn Antifa

    While I have a problem with Antifa and MT Army's apparently reckless and overzealous behavior (it's possible that some regions accused of being fascist are in fact totally innocent and were wrongly raided and refounded), this proposal offers nothing substantive. AGAINST. Edit: WA: New Bremerton
  5. New Bremerton

    [GA - Passed] Command Responsibility

    For WA: New Bremerton
  6. New Bremerton

    [GA - Passed] Defending The Rights of Sexual and Gender Minorities

    For. Clause 5, while clearly exempting religious organizations, opens the door for future legislation to put them in their place once and for all without the need for a repeal of the current proposal. Edit: Almost forgot: WA: New Bremerton
  7. New Bremerton

    [GA - Defeated] Right To Self-defense

    Against. WA: New Bremerton
  8. New Bremerton

    [GA - Passed] Freedom To Seek Medical Care II

    Clause 5 requires that patients seeking medical treatment abroad bear any financial costs incurred, even as clause 7 permits member states to defray any such costs as they deem fit. Should member states opt not to provide any financial assistance, this would greatly disadvantage patients from...
  9. New Bremerton

    [GA - Passed] Debtor Voting Rights

    For. In the wake of PtEoI, which was written to be deliberately misleading, and Preventing Financial Crises, which is written entirely in financialese, Imperium Anglorum has finally done the sensible thing and cut down massively on word count and indecipherable jargon. Kudos to him. IC: In our...
  10. New Bremerton

    [SC - Passed] Repeal: Commend Solorni

    Changing my vote to PRESENT.
  11. New Bremerton

    [SC - Passed] Repeal: Commend Solorni

    As a casual player, I don't normally pay close attention to this kind of stuff, so I can only rely on what's been said on this thread and the main one on the NS Forum. Having gone through these threads, I have decided to vote FOR this repeal, but I would be against any subsequent condemnation...
  12. New Bremerton

    [SC - Passed] Repeal: Condemn Macedon

    Changing my vote to Present. I really don't know what to think at this point. History is important to me, but repealing SC#1 will simply result in the text being crossed out with black lines. This would be like moving the Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower or some other prominent landmark into...
  13. New Bremerton

    [SC - Passed] Commend Bachtendekuppen

    Changing my vote to FOR in response to the TNP recommendation.
  14. New Bremerton

    [SC - Passed] Commend Bachtendekuppen

    Abstain. This has nothing to do with TNP or NS as a whole. No reason to vote against though.