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  1. Biyah

    Freedom of Expression Amendment

    So I've seen. And we've all seen people poking hornet nests lately in regards to the Bill of Rights: manufacturing bogus incidents and court cases with the express intent of being dramatic and/or raising a stink (or, else, because said people have Martyr Syndrome). There is a distinct...
  2. Biyah

    Freedom of Expression Amendment

    Then I'll wait to comment more, until the newly worded version is out. The fact that no examples of abuse can be found makes me leary, though.
  3. Biyah

    Freedom of Expression Amendment

    I think this is unnecessary, and so vague that it will open a 6pack can-o-worms worth of future court cases. With the exception of the Coat of Arms, which is blocked (and clearly documented why), can you point out other examples where 'expression' has been a problem - outside of any RL Board ToS...
  4. Biyah

    Heroic and legitimate Chinese military conducts its first aircraft carrier jet launch and landing

    I foresee a strengthening of the US fleets based out of Japan.
  5. Biyah

    Special Election for Vice Delegate

    Nation in TNP Lord Rahl Reloaded WA Nation: Biyah Vice Delegate: Present. - Blue Wolf II
  6. Biyah

    Voting: Vice Delegate Special Election

    Nation in TNP Lord Rahl Reloaded WA Nation: Biyah Vice Delegate: Present.
  7. Biyah

    First Vice Delegate Debate

    Er, I was edited out?
  8. Biyah

    My Ejection from the WA

    Typical raider misdirection.
  9. Biyah

    My Ejection from the WA

    Hail MCM! And yes Gaspo, private ones - this isn't the first, but biggest, of the public apologies to one. ~B
  10. Biyah

    Biyah for C6/VD

    They have, or I would not be running. ;)
  11. Biyah

    Biyah for C6/VD

    Personal RL issues at the time.
  12. Biyah

    Biyah for C6/VD

    You see, I even provide entertainment. But I recommend watching the whole movie :P
  13. Biyah

    Biyah for C6/VD

    ... and I was asked how my name is pronounced, and where I got it. Bee-yah Watch this. And figure that the brownie is swimming in a jug of beer. Listen to the accent.
  14. Biyah

    Biyah for C6/VD

    I was going to write out a long platform, but it occurs to me that this is not really necessary. In 9.5 years, I've done most everything the game has to offer, in one form or another. I always keep my word, unless it's broken to me first. Thus if I say I will work to TNP's betterment, in...
  15. Biyah

    Resignation from Vice Delegate.

    Good luck, Tim.
  16. Biyah

    Council Elections

  17. Biyah

    Council Elections

    I nominate New Kervoskia and r3naissanc3r
  18. Biyah

    Special Election for Vice Delegate

    I accept my nomination. I nominate New Kervoskia
  19. Biyah

    New Line of Succession Proposal

    Actually, that line looks good. I'd be less worried about endorsements, which can be gained - and more worried about influence - which FEC has and to spare. Only GBM beats her. ~B
  20. Biyah

    Voting: November Judicial Elections

    WA Nation: Biyah TNP Nation: Lord Rahl Reloaded Chief Justice: < abstain> Associate Justice (2 choices): Blue Wolf II , Todd McCloud Attorney General: Jamie
  21. Biyah

    Voting: Special Election for Delegate

    Voted by PM
  22. Biyah

    The Bigfoot Surströmming Act

    Asta has shown me the error of my ways, I humbly apologize. This law will bring about the downfall of TNP. It is known! In reply, all citizens in Biyah will be buying bombshelters and stocking for the apocalypse, in response to this law's possible passage. Generators and batteries can't be...
  23. Biyah

    The Bigfoot Surströmming Act

    eh - a light hearted stance now and then isn't evil. Several US states have laws protecting big-foot, it's all tongue in cheek. ~B
  24. Biyah

    Fraudulent Telegram Received

    This isn't a raid. It's not even a coup attempt - just someone trying to make things difficult on the new interim delegate, and not doing a half bad job. ~B
  25. Biyah

    A Statement from the Interim Delegate

    Hail the interim delegate! I suspect the hubub will be short lived - it's not like the facts arent pasted all over the board.
  26. Biyah

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    *Snickers Booze is good though.
  27. Biyah

    If ya smeellll what the Rock is cooking

    I want it noted, if there is one, that I have nothing to do with it :P
  28. Biyah

    Grosse appeals to the Speaker about his vote

    Just... no. No. Hancock was the first to sign the doc, he simply signed his name, not thinking about the rest would also have to sign it. It had nothing to do with making a political point, or lobbying others. But lets assume that your statement had any point, or basis, in reality...