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  1. Namyeknom

    May 2012 General Elections

    I hope the first legislative business of the new term will be to deal with the scourge of renominations.
  2. Namyeknom

    Embassy of Wolfram and Hart

    Oh my god, I think I love your region. Graphs in regional updates ftw. And thanks for the name explaination. Accounts for the deja vu I was getting from it. I also had no idea how it came about originally, so you learn something new everyday.
  3. Namyeknom

    Informal Vote How long should a general activity requirement be for the RA?

    Shhh, you! Anyone would think you‘re someone important around here. :P
  4. Namyeknom

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ spam fan
  5. Namyeknom

    Embassy of Atrigeas

    Well there is a movie I'll never be able to watch again without thinking of rum. Anyway, welcome to the Atrigeans! :clap:
  6. Namyeknom

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is smearing cake on as we speak.
  7. Namyeknom

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ should try it. :lol: Although I'd suggest removing the candles first.
  8. Namyeknom

    INITIAL DISCUSSION - contempt of court

    Personally I'd prefer a broad definition that allows judges room to move and decide on (and do the job we elect them for), than narrow one that virtually invalidates itself. I think a guideline that warnings should be issued before jumping straight to declaring someone in contempt should allow...
  9. Namyeknom

    Romanoffia for Delegate

    Hmmm, ^ all greek to me. :P How do you see this working? On of the problems I've always had with laws in this game is the restricted option for punishments (banning from government/RA/region cover most of what you can do) all of which are pretty severe. If you're wanting to introduce 'soft'...
  10. Namyeknom

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^dessert assassin! < looks even better covered in cake! :w00t:
  11. Namyeknom

    May 2012 General Elections

    I'm willing to second mcmasterdonia for Vice Delegate.
  12. Namyeknom

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ confuses narcissism with... oh... mmm... *sees reflection in mirror*
  13. Namyeknom

    Informal Vote: RA Activity/Quorum Rules

    Campaign slogan if ever I heard one. :P TNP - The constitution is horrible, but we've got enough rum to make you forget... your own name.
  14. Namyeknom

    Campaign for Delegate

    Sorry, could you explain what the MPA is and what advantages you think we'd gain from joining? I believe it to be one of these modern beat combo alliances, but I'm unfamiliar with it. And I am too lazy to look it up.
  15. Namyeknom

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ freaking awesome.
  16. Namyeknom

    Word Association

  17. Namyeknom

    Embassy of Wolfram and Hart

    I can't think of a more appropriate region of TNP to have embassies with than a law firm. So does the third partner wish to remain anonymous, or do they just have a name that doesn't fit into the law firm feel? Wolfram, Hart & Threepwood?
  18. Namyeknom

    ARCHIVED: The North Pacific Art Gallery

    The world famous Namyeknomian explorer, Enrico Winegum, has just returned from a lengthy expedition into the dark heart of unknown NationStates. Among the tales of daring exploits, undiscovered civilisations and debilitating gastroenteritis; were exciting and amazing descriptions of new a...