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  1. Lenlyvit

    [SC - Passed] Commend Duxburian Union

    As the author I am also curious as to why. I know I'm not a TNPer, but I would like to know why people are against commending Vinny.
  2. Lenlyvit

    Updates from 10ki

    10000 Islands Emissary Update Date: October 2019 Population: 1177 Delegate Endorsements: 298 Forum: Discord: Twitter: TITO Command Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch...
  3. Lenlyvit

    Updates from 10ki

    10000 Islands Emissary Update Date: September 2019 Population: 1185 Delegate Endorsements: 285 Forum: TITO Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations: Commander-in-Chief: Markanite Field...
  4. Lenlyvit

    [SC - Passed] Commend Common Territories

    I know I'm not a citizen of TNP, but I feel I must say something. Can you back this up with evidence? If you're referring to Lucerna or Adrastos, from what TECT has told me they were pretty nasty to him and kept trying to get him thrown off the site altogether for no reason other than being...
  5. Lenlyvit

    [SC - Passed] Condemn Macedon

    Thank you for your kind words BowlofToast! :) I understand where you are coming from Lord Lore, yet I disagree. What Macedon did will always be talked about in NS history. They were the first empire builders, the first password exploiters. Because of what Macedon did we now have SC liberations...
  6. Lenlyvit

    [SC - Passed] Condemn Macedon

    Greetings friends from The North Pacific. While I am not a citizen of TNP, and I know my opinion here doesn't matter in the same context as yours, I wish to address the conversation concerning my SC proposal. I see many reasons being thrown around as to the validity of my proposal, from me not...