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  1. Piscivore

    North Pacific Union: Idea?

    This is starting to sound like just another idea for something you created to be the boss of everyone else.
  2. Piscivore

    North Pacific Union: Idea?

    Can the reason be "I'm Sadakoyama, dammit"? :w00t:
  3. Piscivore

    Agricultural Produce Trade

    We produce luxury, high-quality foodstuffs for export; artisanal cheeses, fine wines and spirits, exotic and unique fruits and vegetables. Contracts for purchase of these items may be negotiated by the respective karass producing them; it is not unusual for such negotiations to involve a direct...
  4. Piscivore

    The Pacifitrack

    I still like Arux better than Styrene.
  5. Piscivore

    Yeraennus: A State of Crisis

    These are almost the exact conditions I have for Sadakoyama. Here's how I dealt with them: [list] Growth is important if accumulating wealth is a priority. SDKY brainwashes educates it population rather stringently, from birth, that wealth is a tool, not something to value. Also, our tech...
  6. Piscivore

    Does Arux sound cool or stupid or medium?

    I don't think any of those things are "needs". And you can't "invade" TWP on your own; all you can do is join them and make an ass of yourself. As I recall, you already tried that. Why don't you just...not?
  7. Piscivore

    Chung Toi Se Lam Dieu Nay: OOC

    We don't use tobacco, so we don't really grow it, and our pot we keep for ourselves, so yeah. We also don't export limosasine, the mood stabilizer/mild euphoric we make from our national animal. Legally or illegally. Tlalocan is a pharmacological wonderland, though, so if you want to make up...
  8. Piscivore

    Chung Toi Se Lam Dieu Nay: OOC

    I'm going to be busy for the next thirty days or so, so I'm not going to participate in this one, but if you want your criminals to get contraband from Sadakoyama go right ahead. Our people would do business in groups of 2-5, they'll give fake names anyway so make something up, and we'll supply...
  9. Piscivore

    Does Arux sound cool or stupid or medium?

    Shut up and roll initiative, Barry!
  10. Piscivore

    Does Arux sound cool or stupid or medium?

    Those both sound stupid, to me. And awkward to say. The first one sounds like an way off-brand car stereo. The kind that still has a cassette deck. "Sony guts!" The other one; just, no. It's what a 10 year old names their wizard the first time they play D&D. Why are you sweating the name...
  11. Piscivore

    Northwest Limited

    arrow-circle-right Sender: Wrenolly Taverner check arrow-circle-right Recipient: Jack Butler check arrow-circle-right Subject: RE: RE: STOP IT! Oh, if it is for you, I don't mind at all. I thought it was that Ms. Resources hag being lazy again. Your handwriting is lovely, almost feminine. If...
  12. Piscivore


    I don't want any. Sadakoyama is still Xenophobic, for the most part.
  13. Piscivore

    Northwest Limited

    arrow-circle-right Sender: Wrenolly Taverner check arrow-circle-right Recipient: Mail Desk check arrow-circle-right Subject: RE: RE: Important! ASAP! No, David, it is not for homework, Marketing needs this information, and you are just a mail clerk anyway so you do not get to question me. And...
  14. Piscivore

    Northwest Limited

    arrow-circle-right Sender: Wrenolly Taverner check arrow-circle-right Recipient: All Staff check arrow-circle-right Subject: Important! ASAP! Please answer the following question completely and as honestly as possible: "Given that the song "Instanbul" makes the assertion that impetus for the...
  15. Piscivore

    TNP Writer's Club

    Cool. I just want to say, with no condescension or snark whatsoever, that your writing has improved tremendously from what I saw when I first came here. I linked to it, but NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. You commit to writing 50,000 words in 30 days (about 1667 words per day). I...
  16. Piscivore

    TNP Writer's Club

    Not bad, but a little confusing without context. Have you considered doing NaNoWriMo ( this year?