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  1. D

    TNP Let's Watch A Thing!

    Agree with Wicker Man and Con Air. Adaptation is a good Nic Cage film if we want to go that direction.
  2. D

    TNP Let's Watch A Thing!

    Hey! I tried an impromptu version of this with A.I. on IRC. Needless to say I am interested. I suggest any movie with Nic Cage.
  3. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    Begging you to end its suffering (being owned by you) most likely. Speaking of ownage...
  4. D

    Sillisary for The North Pacific

    Seriously was just about to post this! Why are we talking about Asta? This is a thread to form a PAC to get SillyString elected as Delegate...
  5. D

    Sillisary for The North Pacific

    I tried twice on my phone but it didn't take. I will certainly change it once I am at home. :)
  6. D

    Sillisary for The North Pacific

    It is time to move forward, in a squiggly silly way.
  7. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    Ooo ooo! What is it?
  8. D

    Request for Review: Suppression of speech

    I thought a certain standard of decorum was to be maintained in official threads like these? I cannot fathom why the above post is appropriate, useful, or relevant to the subject of this thread.
  9. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    I got bored of this thread. It's like... What is even the point of anything?
  10. D

    Request for Review: Suppression of speech

    Technically, that is all that should matter in an issue of unconstitutional action by a government official that is being reviewed by the Court. The remainder of the ruling, which is irrelevant contextualizing and extraneous analogy, is exactly what I would expect from this particular...
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    Top 100 Best Novels Ever Written

    :rofl: Yeeeeeaaahhhh right.
  12. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    Yeah, like I am supposed to understand what that means. Will you stop speaking in riddles please?
  13. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    It was my understanding that the thread could be about whatever. I didn't read the whole OP because it was a lot of words though...
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    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

  15. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    I don't give a crap about the title! Or anything! Double post! :clap:
  16. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    Way to read! He said "people". And McMasterdonia, u r a liar.
  17. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    You are very kind.
  18. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    That was the joke, yes. Thank you very much for your contribution to what is shaping up to be a stellar thread.
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    Xentherida's application

    Thank you for your maturity and understanding on this. Please do not be discouraged, and reapply again when you feel comfortable.
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    Piscivore's application

    I support you despite your being relatively new to the region. :) It would be really nice if we could avoid another Plembobria situation and instead address this application in a timely manner.
  21. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    Hey! That is offensive! To somebody. Probably.
  22. D

    Top 100 Best Novels Ever Written

    It's in chronological order. :P And I urge people to read more if they think Tolkien was an amazing writer. There is far better out there sorry to say.
  23. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    Where is the like button?
  24. D

    Top 100 Best Novels Ever Written

    Certainly incredibly popular, but any list like this is going to have a certain degree of subjectivity. Tolkien was great at telling a tale, but there's not much remarkable about his writing, it's more the depth of detail he created that makes him so special. :) Looking through the list there...
  25. D

    The Eternal Thread: First TNP Edition!

    Erryone should not post in this thread to make McMasterdonia upset and sad.
  26. D

    My **** is in the building

    What word fits into that space currently occupied by those asterisks, I wonder? :D
  27. D

    2016 US Presidential Election

    I do not agree. There has been a trend for a while within the congress away from centrism. I am also hesitant to link the presidential election with congressional elections.
  28. D

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    Because the nation was dead all along. :O #plottwist #mnight
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    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    Sorry for your loss. RIP. Make a new nation and be more careful with your dick art.
  30. D

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    Well! With an attitude like that I can't say I'm too upset to see you go. Buy your own drink, punk. [me]quickly creates Cronaal2 as a nation.