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    ARCHIVED: Unrest in Crilalia!

    The government in Alamo wishes to inform Plemboria of its support of the new constitution and democratic regime. We would, however, like to send observers to examine the transition province, should HM's government accept. Sincerely, Harold Juneau, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
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    Hi there !
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    The Democratic Union

    Official Title of Nation: The Confederacy of The United Federation of Alamo Short Title of Nation: United Federation of Alamo Capital City: Alamo City Region of Residence: The North Pacific Head of State: Johnathan Gallick Head of Government: Gerald Garrens Democratic Union Representative (if...
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    Olvern Embassies Application Form

    Full Name of Country: The Confederacy of The United Federation of Alamo Short Name of Country: United Federation of Alamo Name of Head of State: Johnathan Gallick Name of Head of Government: Gerald Garrens Name of Head Ambassador (if any): Secretary of Foreign Affairs Harold Juneau Name of...
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    ARCHIVED: Unrest in Crilalia!

    The United Federation of Alamo, a staunch supporter of democracy, would like to condemn HM's actions. Our nation has already been ruled by a dictator once in its history, and we would like to recommend that the government initiates dialogue with the protesters and comes to terms with them, for...
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    LibertarianLand Ambassidorial exchange program:

    Type of Government: Semi-presidential republic The region your nation resides in: The North Pacific Executive Government Offical(s) in charge: Johnathan Gallick (President) and Gerald Garrens (First Secretary) Offical in charge of Foreign Relations: Harold Juneau Ambassador being assigned to...
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    Embassies with McMasterdonia

    Nation Name: The Confederacy of The United Federation of Alamo System of Government: Semi-presidential republic Head of Government: Gerald Garrens Head of State: Johnathan Gallick Minister of Foreign Affairs (or Equivalent): Frederick Augustus Albick Ambassador Name: Edward Dallen Capital City...
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    Embassies in Malvad

    Official Title of Nation: Confederacy of The United Federation of Alamo Short Title of Nation: United Federation of Alamo Region of Residence: The North Pacific Capital City: Alamo City Head of State: Johnathan Gallick Head of Government: Gerald Garrens Type of Government: Semi-presidential...
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    Map Claims Thread

    That is 100% okay with me! Thanks, Alunya.
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    Map Claims Thread

    Sorry, but could i also get the territory that stretches as far east as the eastern tip of the mountain range, as far north as the border with san martin de porres and as far south as the coast and as far west as my current border? Pretty please? Thanks in advance. mralexgamingstrategy
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    The Black Death

    Nice work! Excellent article.
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    Applications for the Executive Staff

      Nation in The North Pacific: United Federation of Alamo Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs Previous experience in this area of government: None Processed
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    September 2014 Vice Delegate Runoff Election

    Vice Delegate: Abacathea
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    The New Party

    I agree with my predecessor in terms of party anthem:
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    September 2014 General Elections

    Delegate: r3naissanc3r Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: flemingovia Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: Lord Nwahs Would you like to reopen nominations? No
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    Military Sign Up!

    Nation in TNP: United Federation of Alamo Current WA Nation: United Federation of Alamo NPA Division: The Auxiliary Other military or non-military organizations you are involved in: none I, mralexgamingstrategy request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions...
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    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    So...Am I in ?
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    The New Party

    I would very much like to join the party, secretary-general. The meerkat runs around making meerkat-y sounds and occasionally asking: "What does the meerkat say?".
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    The Flemingovian Party

    I wish to join and spread Flemingovianism to the world.
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    Hello, everybody! Just wanted to introduce my nation, United Federation of Alamo. Nickname: mralexgamingstrategy Main Nation: United Federation of Alamo Favourite Colours: Blue, gray Do you use IRC: Not usually Political Ideology: Liberal Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Kinda
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    Map Claims Thread

    Could I have a part of the southernmost island?Any part, preferably including that small western peninsula, but really any part. Name:The United Federation of Alamo Thanks.
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    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of United Federation of Alamo, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will...
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    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of United Federation of Alamo, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will...
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    Regional Assembly Membership Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of United Federation of Alamo, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will...