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  1. Govindia

    ARCHIVED: Personifications of the Nation

    OOC: would someone elaborate on what this RP thread deals with?
  2. Govindia

    Gaspo Say What?

    I agree. I really don't know why he had to be so rude. I simply offered to help
  3. Govindia

    The North Pacific Intelligence Agency

    Most people seem to support full transparency if I read correctly?
  4. Govindia

    Possbility for Administration Team Enlargement?

    Your rudeness and condescension is noted. I am expressing a willingness to serve as I have had experience being a forum admin on Zetaboards. Nothing more.
  5. Govindia

    NOMINATIONS: January General Election

    I will run for speaker.
  6. Govindia

    The North Pacific Intelligence Agency

    I am also in support of full transparency. Another step that can be taken is that the nominee for the NPIA be scrutinised and voted on by the RA before they assume the post.
  7. Govindia

    The North Pacific Intelligence Agency

    Actually the UK isn't as restricted. See: MI5.
  8. Govindia

    Security Council Minimum Discussion

    I think we should raise the endorsement count.
  9. Govindia

    Security Council Removal

    :agree: Grosse, he followed the law to a T, and I appreciate the forthcoming actions and transparency of the Vice Delegate. It is strange that Enif was removed due to a clerical error and I am glad the issue is rectified :)
  10. Govindia

    Motion to recall AJ Gaspo

    says the delegate who got couped ?
  11. Govindia

    Possbility for Administration Team Enlargement?

    I would like to serve please
  12. Govindia

    Osiris Situation

    To trust Biyah, Dalimbar, New Kervoskia with any government position or legislative post or even a judicial position is a recipe for trouble. Congratulations.
  13. Govindia

    Motion to recall AJ Gaspo

    *points to Eluvatar's information* It's all too much of a coincidence.
  14. Govindia

    Motion to recall AJ Gaspo

    If someone can please quote George's and This "Quad"s statements here I'd appreciate that seeing as I have access to neither statement in Osiris. Thanks. And wasn't the Vice Delegate called the Kai Repat?
  15. Govindia

    Motion to recall AJ Gaspo

    Not from what I heard from others. You took part in the coup along with Neenee, Dalimbar, New Kervoskia, Biyah, Nevadar, members of Gatesville and the AC.
  16. Govindia

    Motion to recall AJ Gaspo

    Mr. Speaker I hereby introduce a motion to recall Associate Justice Gaspo. He has taken part in the recent coup against our ally, Osiris, helping to remove a legitimately elected government. This is uncalled for and inappropriate, and it makes us look bad to our allies that a member of our...
  17. Govindia

    Second IRC Officializing Act

    No, not every single member on that ban list earned that ban. I certainly did not, and Thel believed that the ban was wrong or just.
  18. Govindia

    Second IRC Officializing Act

    Are you actually asking me in a serious manner or are you trying to mock / patronise me ?
  19. Govindia

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    Bartender, a Jaegerbomb for the German, and a White Russian for me please. Add a Black Russian as well to that!
  20. Govindia

    Second IRC Officializing Act

    Then I'd like to see you find a better way to combat op abuse, as op abuse and misuse was the reason I got banned from IRC. The op present at the time Dali, allowed myself to get flamed and attacked by both Wham and Biyah and nothing was done to them because he's friends with them. They got...
  21. Govindia

    Regarding Govindia

    There aren't any delusions I live under sir. You seem to think I'm the sole person to blame when others share an equal or greater level of fault, but you still have proved my point correct nevertheless :)
  22. Govindia

    Second IRC Officializing Act

    My suggestions are in bold.
  23. Govindia

    Regarding Govindia

    I agree. People who have grudges against another person, whom they hardly know, on the Internet, is childish and petty. Unfortunately people still have had an axe to grind. Gaspo's attitude as is the attitude of others proves my point well. At least when Gatesville was still around and...
  24. Govindia

    Second IRC Officializing Act

    Please knock it off with the personal attacks and sarcasm.
  25. Govindia

    Second IRC Officializing Act

    What are you asking?
  26. Govindia

    Regarding Govindia

    This isn't any martyr complex. This thread deals with me so I have every right to talk here. And, no, just because you may talk about me to other people does not mean you know me. It still makes your prejudice. You never at all attempted to have a conversation with me, never made an...
  27. Govindia

    Second IRC Officializing Act

    So there is nothing that will prevent IRC op abuse or Owner op abuse. If this law is to make things official, the channel moderation has to be under TNP law and criminal jurisdiction.
  28. Govindia

    Regarding Govindia

    Do not say incorrect information sir. You may have known of me for a while since I first heard of you in TWP, but you do not know me well at all. You have made no attempt to do so and have been almost prejudiced towards me as some other people here. Please do not say you know me when you do not.
  29. Govindia

    WITHDRAWN: The IRC Officializing Act

    I second the motion to table the proposal until better wording can be made.
  30. Govindia

    Regarding Govindia

    I'm not even understanding why half the people in that list Elu mentioned would even be warned ? and I didn't understand Boker's comment in her post.... :blink: