Search results

  1. Venicea

    List 15: RMB Posters for Radio

    Claim: 11 - 20 Number of rows: 10 Delivered: 70 Blocked: 1
  2. Venicea

    Citizenship Applications

    @Denisialand has passed all checks and is hereby granted citizenship.
  3. Venicea

    List 14: RMB Posters for Culture

    Thread Closed.
  4. Venicea

    List 14: RMB Posters for Culture

    FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE, SEE Remember to change the [Your Nation] at the end of the telegram to the name of your nation! In order to collect accurate delivery report data, we ask that you please create a new template every...
  5. Venicea

    List 13: RMB Posters for FA

    Thread Closed.
  6. Venicea

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @mcmasterdonia has failed to post on the RMB or forums for 30 days and will be remasked as a resident.
  7. Venicea

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Accepted to Home Affairs.
  8. Venicea

    List 13: RMB Posters for FA

    FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE, SEE Remember to change the [Your Nation] at the end of the telegram to the name of your nation! In order to collect accurate delivery report data, we ask that you please create a new template every...
  9. Venicea

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @costaazurica and @Yuyarc have failed to post on the RMB or forums for 30 days and will be remasked as residents. @Dinoium and @TUMS have ceased to exist and will be remasked as members. @Wonderess has failed to maintain a nation in The North Pacific and will be remasked as a member.
  10. Venicea

    Citizenship Applications

    @Dalimbar, @Rewan Demontay, @Pentilsile, @Scorch and @Adriatican have passed all checks and are hereby granted citizenship. @Ayuzh, @Krtzbekistan and @walrus pass the Speaker's check and having passed all checks are hereby granted citizenship. @SCO Fedora failed the Admin's check and as...
  11. Venicea

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @Eclipseia, @A Chinese Propaganda Bot, @CursedSoul and @saintpeter have ceased to exist and will be remasked as members.
  12. Venicea

    Citizenship Applications

    @Pentilsile, @SCO Fedora, @Scorch and @Adriatican pass the Speaker's check and are granted citizenship conditional upon passing the Admin's and Vice Delegate's checks.
  13. Venicea

    Tug of War

  14. Venicea

    Registered Residents

    Masked and added to the Resident Registry.
  15. Venicea

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  16. Venicea

    Registered Residents

    Masked and added to the Resident Registry.
  17. Venicea

    Registered Residents

    Since you are already a citizen you don't need to register as a resident.
  18. Venicea

    List 12: RMB Posters for HA

    Claim: 18 - 28 Number of rows: 11 Delivered: 78 Blocked: 1
  19. Venicea

    Distribution - [Polaris] Interview with Robespierre

    Posted in Osiris, both on forum and discord.
  20. Venicea

    Registered Residents

    Masked and added to the Resident Registry.
  21. Venicea

    Citizenship Applications

    @Rewan Demontay passes the Speaker's check and is granted citizenship conditional upon the passage of the Admin's and Vice Delegate's checks.
  22. Venicea

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @Royaume Sans Dieu has failed to maintain a nation in The North Pacific and will be remasked as a member.
  23. Venicea

    List 12: RMB Posters for HA

    FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE, SEE Remember to change the [Your Nation] at the end of the telegram to the name of your nation! In order to collect accurate delivery report data, we ask that you please create a new template every...
  24. Venicea

    Citizenship Applications

    @Jan Mackistan has passed all checks and is hereby granted citizenship. @Paxiosolange failed the Admin's check and as required by law I reject their application.
  25. Venicea


    You are welcome... :) ...welcome to the party I'll throw after I become the winrar. :D
  26. Venicea

    Citizenship Applications

    @Imls, @Erkkimerkki, @Russila, @PaintedBlue, @Lady Raven Wing and @Omnistria have passed all checks and are hereby granted citizenship.
  27. Venicea

    Citizenship Applications

    @Tony.T fails the Speaker's check due to an invalid oath (the period is missing at the end) and their application is rejected. Please check your PM for details and reapply with the correct oath.
  28. Venicea

    Registered Residents

    Both of you have been masked and added to the Resident Registry.
  29. Venicea

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @H.I. Charles Osceola has ceased to exist and will be remasked as a member.