Search results

  1. S

    New Flag

    6-10 months? Has your nation even existed that long?
  2. S

    TNP Guide Factbook

    Education is in the process of working on something like this. I believe it is a pinned factbook on the region page (The North Pacific FAQs).
  3. S

    ARCHIVED: IPFC World Cup 2015

    Nation: Sauceistan Name of Team: Sauceistan Panhandlers Team Members: (3Members per team) Name (Age) - Home Province Grittle Macagee (24) - Noring Harbor Sam Lucas (25) - Rine Mathew Harrit (22) - Parrenston National Media representatives: (your national broadcaster covering the event) Tom...
  4. S

    July 2015 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select up to 3):] Plembobria | punk d | flemingovia | Would you like to reopen nominations? No Attorney General: falaptorius Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  5. S

    Candidacy Declarations: July 2015 Judicial Election

    Should voting be up by now? The OP says voting should have began 24 hours ago.
  6. S

    Common Misconceptions in History

    Great link, Eluvatar.
  7. S

    ARCHIVED: Regional Fair 2015

    Nation: Allied Islands of Sauceistan Leader: Jon Joninson, Executive Director Lead Representative of the Event: Nathan Yoolta Representative(s) for Summit: The first week of August is the Festival of Growth, the most important holiday in Tomatzu, the native religion of Sauceistan. As such...
  8. S

    Streamlining the RP Forums

    That would be OK, I guess. I would like to see DU Laws outside DU Council as opposed to inside. I think that would be something outsiders would want to be able to see.
  9. S

    Streamlining the RP Forums

    What exactly is the DU Council forum for? Is it the member only forum?
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    Word Association

  11. S

    Leave of Absence Requests

    Date leave begins (GMT): Wednesday June 8, 0:00 Expected date of return (GMT): Wednesday June 16, 0:00 Reason for request: I will be on a trip in southern Florida and will not have internet for that time.
  12. S

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Accepted. You will be given access shortly.
  13. S

    First International Pan Fighting World Cup

    :duh: I knew that. Sorry.
  14. S

    First International Pan Fighting World Cup

    Is this still going to happen?
  15. S

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Oops. Sorry about that.
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    Applications for the Executive Staff

  17. S

    My SC application

    A motion and second by anyone, yes.
  18. S

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Welcome aboard.
  19. S

    NationStates Guide

    Beautiful. :cry:
  20. S

    Streamlining the RP Forums

    As a DU member, I think we could kill the voting chambers and proposals forums and just make use of thread titles, based on our activity level.
  21. S

    Entertainment Deputy Announcement

    So oaths are not required of Deputy Ministers? Is there a reason why it is custom of deputies to take an oath before being masked?
  22. S

    Word Association
