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  1. Cogoria

    [Proposal] Standards of Warfare Act

    Does article 4 on the coercion of civillians prohibit the formation of Partisans?
  2. Cogoria

    The Crown Conflict

    It had been over a week since the Scallendovian bombing of reactor 4. In that time, the slowly rising water level had triggered a steam explosion strong enough to wipe out the other three reactors. The stream of civilians fleeing the city were severely hampered by the destruction along the main...
  3. Cogoria

    Hands Up - Signups and OOC thread

    Character Name: Vasco Erikson Role (Select One): Firearms Response Unit
  4. Cogoria

    OOC Blood And Iron

    Almost finished CC. We'll see after that
  5. Cogoria

    Currency Thread

    Cogor First People's Empire of Cogoria 1 NSD = 61.01 1 = 0.016
  6. Cogoria

    Military Numbers Thread

    Same reason i wasn't allowed my number look at the mods response to my attempt. Learn from my mistake and take the advice.
  7. Cogoria

    Cogorian Embassy Program

    Embassy requests on hold due to minor power fault in Oktobergrad region
  8. Cogoria

    Cogorian Embassy Program

    All embassies are here by closed down, all staff are being repatriated. This is for safety reasons as a crisis is unfolding within the city. Embassies may be reopened following rectification of the crisis.
  9. Cogoria

    OOC: Concerning Scallendovia

    It could be a term for the CC peace treaty that he must reseign then later he can just get re-elected or something
  10. Cogoria

    Osana Softworks

    Cogoria Information @CFMINFO All citizens of the Oktobergrad district are to consider Condition Hypoxia to be in effect. Please follow proper procedure.#hypoxia RESENDS ~ FAVORITES 39,000 ~ 10,000
  11. Cogoria

    The Crown Conflict

    OKTOBERGRAD At the same time that the Scallendovian message of surrender made its way into Zhukov's hands at the DCR, sirens were wailing around Oktobergrad from the speakers normally reserved for music and public announcements. The siren had only been sounded a few times before, during nuclear...
  12. Cogoria

    Crown Conflict OOC

    Ceretis weren't in the war they're mediating a meeting on the Rig. Kordova still is. Yes
  13. Cogoria

    Vote: March 2017 Judicial Elections

    Court Justice (select up to 3): < Crushing Our Enemies | Abbey | Mall | > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Attorney General: < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes >
  14. Cogoria

    Osana Softworks

    Cogoria Information @CFMINFO There has been an attack at the Oktobergrad Nuclear Power Plant. One of the nuclear reactors was damaged. The effects of the accident are being remedied. Assistance has been provided for any affected people. An investigative commission has been set...
  15. Cogoria

    The League of Empires

    ((OOC: Easy there Goy, I advised him that this was the normal spot for alliances instead of IAN, so taking that advice he posted here. No need to bite his head off))
  16. Cogoria

    SunAntMah alliance meetings Most alliances are found here
  17. Cogoria

    The United Peacekeepers discussion

    Alliances are not handled within the IAN, the IAN is a neutral meeting ground for the drafting and implementation of international law
  18. Cogoria

    The United Peacekeepers discussion

    The Cogorian delegation would like to remind our fellow delegate that there is no resolution passed that empowers the IAN to form a peacekeeping force. We advise you to write a proposal and submit it to the floor for a vote. ((OOC. I advise you write a proposal instead of a sign up sheet. The...
  19. Cogoria

    SunAntMah alliance meetings

    The Cogorian delegation fails to see how this concerns the International Association of Nations? We advise taking such matters outside of these halls. ((OOC Alliances are not within the purview of the IAN))
  20. Cogoria

    ABC for Attorney General

    What qualifies you to say that you know the newer citizens better? You certainly don't know me, and I doubt you know my beliefs, feelings and stances. And stating you'd function in a leadership position with no previous experience to qualify for that position and nothing but a bumper sticker...
  21. Cogoria

    Voting: March 2017 Judicial Elections

    Court Justice (select up to 3): Mall, Crushing Our Enemies Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Attorney General: < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes >
  22. Cogoria

    The Crown Conflict

    ENCRYPTED MESSAGE FROM THE COGORIAN GOVERNMENT FOR THE SIL DORSETT GOVERNMENT To whom It may concern, As you are aware the state of Cogoria is engaged in a war of defence against your neighbour Scallendovia. As you read this communication, thousands of our civilians have been killed in cold...
  23. Cogoria

    ABC for Attorney General

    Why do you say you can represent citizens better, in an office that is meant to be an impartial body of the law? Do you mean that in cases of the government vs a citizen you will always be taking the citizens side? And what particular programme would you pursue if elected besides utilising...
  24. Cogoria

    The Crown Conflict

    Scallendovian Beachhead Entire platoons were being wiped out by the constant hail of missiles on the beachhead, but throughout the day the cry of "Hold!" won out time and time again. That was until the Scallendovian armour smashed into the lines.The tanks ground their way forward like a killing...
  25. Cogoria


    The Cogorian delegate upon hearing the announcement completely misunderstood as his appointed translator was rather unfortunately indisposed in the lavatory. Sprinting back to his office he threw open his briefcase and retrieved his package, before hurrying back out of the building. Turning to...
  26. Cogoria

    ( Court case ) Request for intervention

    The Cogorian government has informed me of the response they wish to put forward. The nation of Scallendovia has made its bed, now they must lie in it. Their aggression against our proud nation has been recognised by the esteemed members of the Phoenix Union who have seen fit to recognise our...
  27. Cogoria

    Operation Métro OOC: thread

    What kind of terrorists? Religious extremists? Political hardliners? Anarchists?
  28. Cogoria

    The Crown Conflict

    The boats carrying the first wave ploughed through the waves crashing on the coast, almost as one the ramps dropped and the slaughter began. Platoons charged off the boats behind the red flags, doggedly advancing up the sand. Every step of the way soldiers fell. Whithering machinegun fire and...
  29. Cogoria

    The Crown Conflict

    From the Cogorian Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Defence To the International Community, Cogoria faces a great trial of strength, as you read this communication, our soldiers will be fighting and dying in a war not of our making. Our very Nationhood is at stake, and our Identity as a...
  30. Cogoria

    The Crown Conflict

    The Scallendovian missiles slammed into the residential areas of Oktobergrad, shattering entire apartment blocks. News crews covered the devastation in unnecessary detail, showing the broken bodies being dragged from the rubble, no detail was too gory. The images were then broadcast worldwide...