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  1. SillyString

    Regarding xenForo 2.x

    fafdsafdsafdsafdsa Sorted :)
  2. SillyString

    [Chambers] Request for Review: Sentencing and Double Jeopardy in The North Pacific v Whole India

    I believe I generally am in agreement with you on all points.
  3. SillyString

    Term Limit Removal Bill

    I agree with r3n, Siwale, GBM, and COE. I cannot support this bill. I will not rehash what r3n's excellent post said, but the competitiveness of vice delegate elections was raised - I would like to make the argument that VD elections are so competitive precisely because of delegate term limits...
  4. SillyString

    [Chambers] Request for Review: Sentencing and Double Jeopardy in The North Pacific v Whole India

    Zyvet raises some good points, I think, though I'm not wholly swayed. To summarize as best I can, he is arguing that because the falsified images are referenced in the original indictment, by pleading guilty to the charges Whole India is by necessity pleading guilty to creating such...
  5. SillyString

    [Passed] Military Modernisation Bill

    I'd like to suggest changing the name away from "The North Pacific Army Doctrine" - it's not really a doctrine anymore with the proposed changes, and I think it's more confusing for it to keep that name. I'm not sure how to best replace it... "Military Management and Operations" or something...
  6. SillyString

    [Chambers] Request for Review: Sentencing and Double Jeopardy in The North Pacific v Whole India

    Apologies for my delay! I have taken the oath now. :) I concur with Artemis' acceptance of the R4R. I also concur with the finding of standing. Whole India, as the defendant in the trial, has obvious and unassailable standing to raise concerns about impropriety in their own sentencing. And...
  7. SillyString

    Oaths of Office

    I, SillyString, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Temporary Hearing Officer, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a...
  8. SillyString

    Suspension of MadJack/St George as RP Moderator

    The Administration Team has received a complaint regarding a recent post made by MadJack (AKA St George) in the Roleplay Discord Server. In this public post, MadJack pinged several users and asked them to sign up for a third-party ad watching site. The link MadJack provided contained a referral...
  9. SillyString

    Admin Requests

    Sorted. You are correct, somehow the private archive was excluded from the justice mask. This was done but not by me. Done. All done.
  10. SillyString


  11. SillyString

    Citizenship Applications

    @Kythius, @Felis, @Mikhail Venskov, @Democratic Langford, @Racoda and @Reformed Outsiders pass admin check and have been remasked as citizens. I am seeking a second opinion on @Asintion. @Valshire fails admin check due to IP matching another account. @Arkmac passes admin check.
  12. SillyString

    Happy Democracy Day! Get your bound TNP Constitution!

    I agree! I was very impressed with how the anthology came out!
  13. SillyString

    Admin Requests

    Did the admin check requests. @Mamitu Islands and @Sbheke masked as NPA. @AgadirI was checked and masked by McM, noting for posterity.
  14. SillyString

    Citizenship Applications

    @AgadirI, @Kappacon, @Platopa, @cosmicsans, @a namish person, @Sbheke, @Isabelle F Croteau, and @Ian Chung pass admin check and have been masked as citizens. @Yewbow passes admin check as well. @Umuyyad fails admin check due to duplicate account and lack of residential IP. @Zecit fails admin...
  15. SillyString

    Admin Requests

    Done. A. is done. B: Em is masked as NPA. AgadirI does not pass admin check and has not been masked. Darcania has been masked. Yukkira does not have a valid oath and has not been masked.
  16. SillyString

    Citizenship Applications

    @Ocelot and @Ventuskia pass the admin check and have been remasked as citizens. @AgadirI does not pass admin check at this time due to not posting from a residential IP. Will send PM.
  17. SillyString

    Admin Requests

    Looks suspicious. Masked! :P
  18. SillyString

    Admin Requests

    Latter two done. Have not yet created the archive - need to make sure it's got the right permissions.
  19. SillyString

    Admin Requests

    Finally sorted! You're good to go. Link to oath pls? Done Done This was done by mcm, noting for posterity. Done. NOT DONE YET. Done. Done.
  20. SillyString

    Citizenship Applications

    @Asintion, @Crazybloxian Empire, @Nord Elros, @Manaf, @Saint-Elena, and @Adom Jersey pass admin check and have been masked as citizens. @Raldeb fails admin check due to having a duplicate account and no residential IP.
  21. SillyString

    Language Evolution Thread.

  22. SillyString

    Delegate Delirium 2019

    That's all, folks - Delegate Delirium 2019 is a wrap! It is with great sorrow and regret joy and delight that I hereby bestow the victory, the award, and honorary kingship of TNP on Pallaith. Being your king has been a treat! Go easy on the new guy, y'all. :P :tnp:
  23. SillyString

    Citizenship Applications

    @Sean Salvator, @Yukkira, @Tellavinna, and @2 and 2 is Fish all pass admin check.
  24. SillyString

    [Gallery] The North Pacific v. Bobberino

    "Holding a membership in the same body as one another" is a pretty big stretch of what constitutes a conflict of interest - especially since, if true, that would bar any member of the RA from sitting as justice for a criminal case against any other member of the RA. "Vested interest" means...
  25. SillyString

    Delegate Delirium 2019

    I've updated the results table with everything so far! Make sure you vote in today's Semi-Final, and then again in the FINALS on September 9 (Delegates' Day)!!
  26. SillyString

    Citizenship Applications

    @Snowlanda and @ZBonBon pass admin check. @Bratan does not pass due to lack of residential IP. @Yun Empire (formerly Yun Empire Administration) now passes admin check.
  27. SillyString

    The Vexillum Billum

    Personally I think the NPA should adopt the current flag as its battle flag, and continue to use it for missions. Leave the regional flag for civilian use. And then if we are ever couped, we can fly the flag upside down, which will have the north star literally under-water. ^_^ I'm...
  28. SillyString

    The Better Banner Bill

    I don't think I can support this bill. I like that there is a symbol that is enshrined in our law as an official symbol of the government. I like that we have a way to enforce that it not be used for other things, aside from its creator having to claim copyright infringement. I like that the...
  29. SillyString

    Bobberino for Delegate

    I have a question! Zombie Day will occur during the upcoming term. In prior years, TNP has generally treated meeting its prior benchmarks as the standard for success, since we are a very large region and it is basically impossible for us to attain high survival rates. Obviously, this has gotten...