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  1. Kialga

    Voting: January 2017 General Election

    Delegate: < Plembobria > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes > Vice Delegate: < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes > Speaker: < Pallaith > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  2. Kialga

    The August December Festival Ball

    The flight from Mira International to Alba Longa International had taken far longer than Annora would've preferred. She had been quick to forget the distance that separated Baleine from Imperium, but that was none of her worry since she did not have to fly the aircraft over the distance. She was...
  3. Kialga

    Within These Walls

    Rebecka sat cross-legged on the couch, looking curiously around the room. Dorian was supposed to have arrived with her, but he was nowhere to be found. Repeated phone calls had gone unanswered, leaving countless voicemails on Dorian's end. She was nervous in the slightest - Dorian had always...
  4. Kialga

    Within These Walls

    Footsteps echoed across the chambers of the House of Assembly. The lighting was dim, being cast by a single row of ceiling light fixtures down the center of the hall. Here and there the occasional computer screen lit its seat, but that was few and far between. Turning on its heel, the faint...
  5. Kialga

    Candidacy Declarations: January 2017 General Election

    I nominate Lord Ravenclaw for the Delegacy.
  6. Kialga

    Council of Nations Elections

    Name of Delegation: Baleine Guslantis Imperium Augustum The Rose League Ilamzat Yeraennus
  7. Kialga

    What are you listening to?
  8. Kialga

    Currency Thread

    Baleish byruis (? / BLB) Baleine 1 NSD = 0.62 BLB 1 BLB = 1.61 NSD
  9. Kialga

    [Archive this Plz] Eras Map Claims Topic

    I have a planned RP in the works that is going to cover the conquering of this island (unlabeled green) for Baleine. Assuming I can be granted approval, the RP will begin shortly. The focus will be the reclamation of former Baleish territory from the remaining Kialgans and Kialgan sympathizers.
  10. Kialga

    The August December Festival Ball

    Respondent’s Name: Reene Annora Simonett Sovereign of what Nation?: The Kingdom of Baleine Name of Guests (& their relation): Marcus Charles (King Consort) Number of Staff: 6 Guards Special Requests?: None
  11. Kialga

    Baleine's New King

    an Announcement from the Kingdom of Baleine After a series of successful dates spanning the last two months, it is with great pleasure that Queen Annora and the House of Simonett announce Queen Annora's choice. While each of the three suitors provided well enough presentation, Annora was unable...
  12. Kialga

    [Private] TNP v TSRoNK Sentencing

    Works for me. Personal apologies on my misunderstanding.
  13. Kialga

    [Private] TNP v TSRoNK Sentencing

    A personal nitpick on my part, but should the first part of the Court's findings be read as: Unless I'm misunderstanding or not finding something where this has already been outlined. I might be that blind.
  14. Kialga

    [Private] TNP v tSRoNK Pierconium Witness Statement Appeal

    I would say to grant this appeal. The oath was made prior to any statement, and as pointed out from the Adopted Court Rules, there is nothing that explicitly states anything about a second oath and/or multiple oaths.
  15. Kialga

    [Private] TNP v TSRoNK Evidence Submission Extension Appeal

    Yes, I am voting to accept the appeal and overrule the extension. Apologies for the confusion.
  16. Kialga

    [Private] TNP v TSRoNK Evidence Submission Extension Appeal

    Despite, as Altmoras stated, evidence submissions being likely incomplete, there should be no sane reason of this moving beyond the 22nd. If the prosecution cannot comply, than I'm sorry, but something ought to be done. I'm willing to push for a deadline on the 24th, but nothing more than that...
  17. Kialga

    [Private] Request for review: Power of court to subpoena evidence.

    Sorry for the delay. Draft looks good on my end.
  18. Kialga

    [Private] Request for review: Power of court to subpoena evidence.

    While I don't agree with the evaluation of Gracius on the reading of BoR Article 9, I do agree that the Court should step in should the executive deny a request that has been freely requested. I was going to argue that the Court should have the right to subpoena evidence from across the board...
  19. Kialga

    [Private] Request for review: Power of court to subpoena evidence.

    I personally see no issue with you not recusing yourself, but I can see the potential for others to call on it (as, you have stated, you are moderating justice for the trial the review originates). Unless someone decides to call on it, I see no issue with it as it stands.
  20. Kialga

    A New King for Baleine

    Due to time constraints, Queen Annora will not be able to visit Sierra. Sorry.
  21. Kialga

    A New King for Baleine

    Queen Annora has planned for the following for the dates. Each individual will have the opportunity to take Annora to a location of their choice for the first date. For each of the princes, please provide your choice location for your date with Annora. All dates will be roleplayed over a private...
  22. Kialga

    A New King for Baleine

    For the time being, that shall be retconned. I might bring it back sometime in the future.
  23. Kialga

    Animated Flag Waving Smileys thread (2)

    Awesome, they look amazing, thanks! I'm not the biggest fan of the design on Kialga-Lourti's, but i agree with the bright and colorful part :P
  24. Kialga

    Animated Flag Waving Smileys thread (2)

    Any chance I could get a couple for my signature? Kialga-Lourti's Flag | Baleine's Flag
  25. Kialga

    A New King for Baleine

    We are happy to receive Prince Marcus of Guslantis, Prince Alfred of Goyanes, and Prince Hasan of Syrixia. Expect to see the "dating" opening soon, starting with Prince Marcus and working our way down to the more recent applicants.
  26. Kialga

    A New King for Baleine

    As Annora's mother is holding most of the weight in who has potential, it is a highly preferred qualification that the applicant be born of nobility. However, if sufficient case can be brought forward to justify the marrying of a non-noble, there could be a chance, though it will be harder for...
  27. Kialga

    A New King for Baleine

    Queen Annora Simonett 16th Monarch of Baleine 1985 August 3 (31 years old) After the murder of her husband, Mathias Simoneet, the traditional mourning period has ended. Queen Annora Simonett is seeking a new husband, preferably from outside of the Kingdom of Baleine. After a long history of...