Search results

  1. Halsoni

    Motion to Overturn the Rejection of Bob's Citizenship Application

    Loser behaviour. Clown on this man.
  2. Halsoni

    Admin Requests

    You can leave the group yourself by clicking the "leave" button in the joinable groups tab under members.
  3. Halsoni

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  4. Halsoni

    [GA—IN QUEUE] Regulating Astronautical Procedures

  5. Halsoni

    [GA—IN QUEUE] Repeal: "Volcanic Activity Convention"

    Against due to co-author (not Tinhampton fwiw)
  6. Halsoni

    [GA—IN QUEUE] Repeal: "Oil Spill Recovery"

    Against due to author
  7. Halsoni

    [GA—IN QUEUE] Repeal: "Pre-Packaged Food Labels"

    For due to co-author and author of target resolution
  8. Halsoni

    [SC—AT VOTE—FOR] Commend Socialist Platypus

    For due to author and nominee
  9. Halsoni

    Admin Requests

    Please remove @Wonderess’s deputy masking following their resignation
  10. Halsoni

    [SC—AT VOTE—AGAINST] Repeal: "All We Want For Christmas Is You"

    For due to target resolution's author.
  11. Halsoni

    [GA—AT VOTE—AGAINST] The Ethnic Equality Act

    Against due to author and co-author.
  12. Halsoni

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  13. Halsoni

    Voting: November 2024 Special Speaker Election

    Speaker: 1. < Matzerati > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  14. Halsoni

    Admin Requests

    Can I get the Deputy Minister of Communications masking back? It was removed at some point, but I'm still DMoComms
  15. Halsoni

    Candidacy Declarations: November 2024 Special Speaker Election

    I also nominate @Varanius
  16. Halsoni

    [GA—AT VOTE—FOR] Repeal: "Money Market Funds Protocol"

    For, due to the target resolution’s author.
  17. Halsoni

    Matzerati for Speaker

    Any new plans you’d like to introduce, or rather just keep the ship afloat?
  18. Halsoni

    The Speaker's Desk

    Thank you for your service.
  19. Halsoni

    Voting: November 2024 Judicial Election

    Court Justice: 1. < Pallaith > 2. < Dalimbar > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes >
  20. Halsoni

    Candidacy Declarations: November 2024 Judicial Election

    I nominate @Dreadton and @Lord Dominator I second Ghost I love chaos