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  1. Kor


    OMG I got nominated! ^_^ I accept the nomination. I've been looking to help out a bit more.
  2. Kor

    Blackbelt Putin

    Black belt =/= being tough I've seen black belts get their asses kicked by regular guys. Gotta love bar brawls. ^_^
  3. Kor


    v_v-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*snort* Who? What? Where? Oh. v_v-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. Kor

    TEP: Our Prima Donna

  5. Kor

    The Empire Comes

  6. Kor

    Election Reform

    IRV works quite well actually.
  7. Kor


    Hawt? ^_^
  8. Kor

    Breaking News: Taijitu Schemes, Fails

    Her. Mahasoor is female. :P
  9. Kor

    Bill Proposal

    I could be wrong, but I believe it takes little to no influence to kick/ban them.
  10. Kor

    Election Reform

    Not to get all technical, but I believe your job as Election Commissioner ends when the elections end. Therefore you don't need to feel responsible for it. Also, you should probably use a lot of Prag's proposal. He's quite good at this election stuff.
  11. Kor

    Suspended RA Members Oath Renewal

    Korinna WA Nation I, Kor, as the leader of The North Pacific nation of Korinna, pledge loyalty to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for...
  12. Kor

    Secret Files of the Crimson Order Released

    FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <_<
  13. Kor

    Happy Birthday Thel!!

    Happy Birthday Thel!!!!! :birthday:
  14. Kor

    Consulate of Taijitu

    Currently the Senate of Taijitu is voting to have Red Kagran(PoD Gunner) impeached from the Delegacy. Red Kagran(PoD Gunner) is at this moment only Delegate by title. The G Rebellion holds the Delagate seat. Taijitu will be starting elections Tuesday and Red Kagran(PoD Gunner) is not on the...
  15. Kor

    Consulate of Taijitu

    I apologize for the amount of time this has taken. We have very busy the past 24 hours and appreciate your patience.
  16. Kor

    Consulate of Taijitu

    As Deputy Minister of External Affairs(Acting Minister ATM) of Taijitu I will try to have a statement later. I did not know of this event, but as I said I will try to have a statement from my Govt..
  17. Kor

    I Knew It

    Out of respect for you Thy, I will refrain from name calling.
  18. Kor

    I Knew It

    Cadre Island you are an idiot. This region has enough problems without hearing the crap that spews from your mouth. Shut up and go away!
  19. Kor

    Happy birthday Dalimbar

    Happy Birthday Dali!!!! :birthday:
  20. Kor


    Respected members of the RA, Mr. Speaker, Prime Minister and Members of the Cabinet I have come to a decision based on the current events. I first must say that I do not believe Dalimbar has chosen the correct path to bring about change. Though I do not support his actions, I do support what he...
  21. Kor

    3 months away but coming back!

    :Hello: Welcome back CC! :hug:
  22. Kor

    Hi there

    Welcome to TNP! :Hello:
  23. Kor

    July Update

    Though not solely TNP related, I suggest the re-founding of The Order of Gryphons.
  24. Kor

    Post A Song Lyric Telling How You Feel...

    Sympathetic by Seether And my words will be here when I’m gone As I’m fading away against the wind And the words you left me linger on As I’m failing again now, never to change this And I’m sympathetic, never letting on I feel the way I do As I’m falling apart again at the seam And it seems...
  25. Kor

    A NS Based Web Browser!

    am currently in the process of trying to design a Web Browser that is NS based. This browser would be pre-loaded with the links to all the major regions and their forums. I am also thinking that it will include links to NS based tools like NSEconomy and things of the same ilk. It will pretty...
  26. Kor

    Leaving So Soon

    I hope you enjoyed your time here. I hope you return someday. Until then Good luck in whatever you do and wherever you go.
  27. Kor

    Dracula's Castle For Sale!

    The castle of the real Dracula, Vlad the Impaler is for sale.
  28. Kor

    Libby's sentence commuted

    Just more proof that November 2008 can't come soon enough. <_<