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  1. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    So what was the crux of the discussion Flem, I'd be interested to hear what was discussed and if not the system then maybe the principles of the English legal system could be introduced to TNP. I tried finding your discussion IRC but being a techno-numpty I was as successful in locating...
  2. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    WSorry Mr S but yet again your fundamental ignoranceof how a legitimate judicial system works is glaringly obvious. I'm not saying that to be insulting, you just don't know what you are talking about. Sorry but it's true. VP :noangel:
  3. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I think that undermining the accusation pretty much falls into the category of an effective defence. So far there has been no clear evidence of any of the three points I keep mentioning, and without these being proven then the accused has no case to answer. That is if we are working on a...
  4. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Joy of joys, the trial is back and moving at somepace towards a conclusion I would say as it's getting down to the key point of if there indeed was a plot then: What was it? Who was involved? Where is the concrete evidence to support the above claims? And all in time for a Bank Holiday...
  5. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I would strongly object to you using Where Did My Cat Crap as it would clearly discriminate against those of us who do not possess a cat and more importantly adversely impact on my negotiations with Simon Cowell who I hope will shortly be launching it as a celebrity TV show franchise. VP :noangel:
  6. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    It isn't helped by the constant flow of puerile and irritating threads that are being generated either, is it. Who's next? Describe the person above? Where does my cat crap? it' clogs the discussion board and makes it look as if TNP is populated by dullards and unimaginative dullards at that...
  7. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I have to say that all the trivial threads are highly irritating especially when they bounce something people need to be aware of, such as the trial, off the Top Ten board. But then again, they are only a reflection of what people perceive to be important. VP :noangel:
  8. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    It seems that inactivity has struck again. VP :noangel:
  9. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    If the identity of the mystery witness is known by the defence and the purpose of the witness protection was to prevent this then surely the witness protection is void and invalid. Obviously this could be a case of defence calling the courts bluff but if he reveals the identity to HC in...
  10. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Interesting point from BW, and yes he is clearly probing to identify the accuser but then again who wouldn't. The issue is, where do you draw the line between protecting the witness and the accuseds right to defend themselves. Can a trial be truly fair if you never get to face your...
  11. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Also, concerning disclosure of unused material (evidence), any and all material should be placed in the hands of the court so I see no difficulty in access being given to the defence of unused material. As in RL,if it is proven that prosecution has deliberately or accidentally failed to reveal...
  12. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Haor, I agree that there are issues relating to a jury in an inactive region as it's highly unlikely that you could guarantee all selected could or would be available for the full duration of a trial such as the current one. That is why I proposed selecting them only at the end of the formal...
  13. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Ator I agree, these are just my observations of what I believe is wrong currently and how in the future the problem could be avoided. Certainly any changes have to have the backing of the general populous through a vote so it sounds like we are singing from the same hymn sheet here. The idea...
  14. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I don't know if there is any way of selecting a random sample of individuals to act as a jury but then again I'm not very IT literate so maybe wiser minds than mine can answer that. As mentioned, the largest advantage of selecting a jury maybe at the end of a trial is that all they need to...
  15. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I don't see anything in my comments that can possibly be interpreted as name calling and as someone who personally exhibits mild dyslexia I take great insult from you describing myself and anyone else with the condition as being mentally defected. This is both a grossly inaccurate, deeply...
  16. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Precisely why an ELECTED representative, with all the good will in the world cannot be impartiabl. That is exactly why we have trial by jury in RL. Thanks for arguing my point. Sorry I don't understand your second point, you seem to have had a dyslexia moment as it doesn't make much sense and...
  17. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Has to be an improvement on the current system then doesn't it. Are you saying in all honesty that you truly believe a single person acting as judge and jury can be really impartial? And please don't give me the pathetic excuse of it's the only workable solution. VP :noangel:
  18. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Was having a panel of judges considered? I'm just throwing out some ideas here so let me know if they have been attempted. Why not put it to a general vote at the end of evidence and cross examination, thread stays open for asay 48 hours and any interested party votes innocent or guilty...
  19. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Why didn't it work, are there alternatives to be considered? I'm genuinely interested in exploring the options as the currentsystem has too many dangers for my liking. VP :noangel:
  20. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Flem, I don't see anything in my comments stating that protectiion of a witnesses identity should not be given I merely point out the perils of doing so without applying due safeguards. The point is what does the constitution and law of TNP say on the matter. As for trial by jury, you say...
  21. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I know there are going to be times when it could be justified in allowing anonymity for an informant but it is a dangerous path to go down if the process is not clearly set out and independently monitored. This power could all to easily be abused. What does the Constitution say on the matter...
  22. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    OK so we have a key witness who does not operate under the control or guidance of a government department. How can protected witness status be justified? Intrigued and inquisitive. VP :noangel:
  23. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Hate to be a pedant Flem but the 1981 Contempt of Court Act expressly does include actions and deeds outwith of the court. And whilst BW is certainly pushing the boundaries I also believe that Mr Sniffis equally at fault. I see you are adopting the same tactics as the prosecution, ducking a...
  24. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    "And yes, my legal knowledge DOES go a little beyond episodes of Perry Mason. I have watched every episode of Judge John Deeds/ also, many lutz at someone urging someone to good manners then in the next breath calling them a numpty. Irony is not lost on me, either. " I recommend watching...
  25. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Dear Mr Sniffles, I recommend a basic course in good manners. The point is that there is no point to this witness protection you numpty. Obviously irony is lost on you, and that's something you can't learn from watching TV. Be at peace with your lot in life. VP :noangel:
  26. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Can anyone answer this for me please. What is the witness being protected from?
  27. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    I don't know what episodes of Perry Mason Mr Sniffles relies on for his legal training but it's a very good job this is just make-believeland as I fear in the RL he would be in for a very rude awakening. The concept of cross examination, legitimate challenging of evidence and inquisitorial...
  28. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    An objection should be raised when an action is felt to be in some way contrary to the rule of law or the exercise of justice, not as a means to stifle inquisitorial investigation. The current proceedings are looking more and more like a Diplock Court where the defence were frequently denied...
  29. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Glad you find it so amusing. :noangel:
  30. Vaticania Prime

    The North Pacific v. Blue Wolf II DISCUSSION

    Well after a short delay it's business as usual in the courtroom. Mr S is going to have to adopt "Objection" as his middle name I think.