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  1. Darktan

    Ambassador Applications

    Nation Name: Darktan Why do you want to be a ambassador: Shouldn't that be 'an ambassador'? because I want to get more involved in this region and this thread was recently posted in and so it gave me the idea. Being a rat of the world would be nice. What region do u want to be a ambassador to...
  2. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    :lol: RB?
  3. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    Am I becoming too regular? RB?
  4. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    squeeeeeak! sydia?
  5. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    I'm a rat, I don't wear clothes. *Darktan crawls onto someone's shoulder Sydia?
  6. Darktan

    Happy BDAY!!

    Happy birthday! *Darktan climbs up the nearest shoulder, jumps off onto the table near the cake
  7. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    *squeeeeeeak* Sydia?
  8. Darktan

    I Am...

    I am in the RA!
  9. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    It is I! RB?
  10. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    No. I will though. RB?
  11. Darktan

    I Am...

    I am seriously considering holidaying somewhere very very cold right now.
  12. Darktan

    I Am...

    I am sitting here gazing out at the outside light which keeps attracting my attention.
  13. Darktan

    I Am...

    I am posting this message here for lack of anything better to do.
  14. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    No. Sydnia now?
  15. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    :yes: Sydia?
  16. Darktan

    Past RA Applications

    My nation is Darktan I don't currently have a WA nation, I'm still considering that. I, Darktan, as the leader of The North Pacific nation of Darktan, pledge loyalty to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society...
  17. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    Yes, well, this little thread will do my post count some good in the long run. I'm feeling all small. RB?
  18. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    :no: but Sydia will post now.
  19. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    :no: Sydia? Squeeeeeak! look at all these emoticons! :boom :bunny: :victory: :spam: >|P :spin: :rofl: :fish: :toast:
  20. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    Squeak eeeek! now Sydia.
  21. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    Squeak! Sydia?
  22. Darktan


    Mice eh? good luck in finding good intelligent mice. This is another important thing about rats. We don't like being called mice.
  23. Darktan


    *Darktan sits back on his hind legs and places his head to one side. (nearest translation to this is 'ohmygod'.) I am a rat. However, I am not a rat. I am more than a rat. I am a rat, who knows he's a rat. I will however freely admit that my signature is a little confusing. It's a saying...
  24. Darktan


    :( *Darktan places his left paw out in front dramatically following this with a rather mournful 'squeeeeeak' Well, I guess I'll take the trap squad for now, but can we at least agree not to lay any new traps/poison? Oh, and it's also worth mentioning that we Educated Rodents also know how...
  25. Darktan


    Ah, thanks for the welcome, both of you. There's no need to assign any special humans however, the Educated Rodents have developed techniques to disable most rattraps and we have also been researching methods to reverse the more nastier affects of the poisons that you humans use, the problem...
  26. Darktan

    Who Posts Next?

    Squeak. Sydia, just because there name is on the last 10 posts a lot.
  27. Darktan


    *Darktan places both front paws together, bowing his head very low and crouching Squeak squee eek ik snns squeeeeeeeak ik ik eeek. Yes, down here. *waves a tiny paw in greeting* My name is Darktan, and I am the senior rat of the Educated Rodents. I have recently moved to this region...