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  1. Rocketman

    I Just...

    i just decided i would pay US$10 for that poster.
  2. Rocketman

    I Have...

    if you did, it would sound like woo wuuh.
  3. Rocketman

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^should realize that < is from ohio and therefore thought ^was using a regional accent. not the voice of Cleveland, Quagmire's neighbor.
  4. Rocketman

    In My Edition!

    Cherry Lips(Go Baby Go In My Pants) - Garbage
  5. Rocketman

    The never ending sausage game

  6. Rocketman

    Word Association

  7. Rocketman

    In My Edition!

    cut your hair in my pants - pavement
  8. Rocketman

    The never ending sausage game

    I know who sausaged me
  9. Rocketman

    Pet Peeves

    PP: people who dont have to live where they work.
  10. Rocketman

    Word Association

    ...i just cant bring myself to say it. Oh who am i kidding? 15" Black Rubber Cocks
  11. Rocketman

    Pet Peeves

    PP: people hatin on Zing. especially Zing done in a Zing-Zong-y voice. haha
  12. Rocketman

    The never ending sausage game

    Monty Pythons Life of Sausage
  13. Rocketman

    In My Edition!

    Animal I Have Become In My Pants - Three Days Grace
  14. Rocketman

    In My Edition!

    Wow, I can be sexual too, in my pants - Say Anything
  15. Rocketman

    Pet Peeves

    hehe, say that all the time. zzzing!
  16. Rocketman

    The never ending sausage game

    The Good Sausuage
  17. Rocketman

    The never ending sausage game

    Harriet the Sausage
  18. Rocketman

    In My Edition!

    could this be love in my pants - Bob marley
  19. Rocketman

    Pet Peeves

    <totally has scype...on a computer that wont allow for access to wi-fi, for some dumb reason.
  20. Rocketman

    The never ending sausage game

    Iron Sausage
  21. Rocketman

    Pet Peeves

    People who dont understand military jargon. J/K...a muster is basically calling roll. like they used to do in gradeschool, to make sure everyone is present. its usually done at the end of liberty, and during battlestations.
  22. Rocketman

    Word Association

    100 acre woods
  23. Rocketman

    Word Association

  24. Rocketman

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^may have never been to Cleveland.
  25. Rocketman

    The never ending sausage game

    Alvin and the Sausages
  26. Rocketman

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^yizzah's peoples hoo's for a small amount of doo.
  27. Rocketman

    Word Association

  28. Rocketman

    Today something cool happened...

    thats what she said! hoo-yah
  29. Rocketman

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^hoo-yah doodler
  30. Rocketman

    Today something cool happened...

    i spoke to a chief today. hoo-yah!