Search results

  1. saintpeter

    Citizenship and Residency Updates

    The records have been updated to reflect the change.
  2. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @Dillon Honore and @kamad have passed all three checks and are now citizens.
  3. saintpeter

    [Accelerator - GA] Repeal "International Criminal Protocol"

    Could you specify what the problem is? In my view, these statements are tangibly different from clause 4, given that a nation could reasonably not suffer from widespread discrimination. This is not true, however, for the effects described in those subclauses, given they are based on foundational...
  4. saintpeter

    [Discussion - GA - Passed] Defense of Critical Services

    Clause 7 is a bit iffy. Why should a nation be required to allow a hostile army in at all? I appreciate that members may suspend this cease-fire when the hostile army abuses it, but this can be too late, especially if the hostile army has already taken / destroyed / etc. a foreign strategic goal.
  5. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @Tinfect has passed all three checks and is now a citizen. @HomylandFWO and @kamad have passed the Speaker's check and are granted citizenship conditional upon passing the other checks. Admins & VD @Dreadton: please do not forget to check @Dillon Honore.
  6. saintpeter

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Accepted, I'll PM you shortly.
  7. saintpeter

    [Accelerator - GA] Repeal "International Criminal Protocol"

    As I noted, I am perfectly fine writing a replacement, but given that @Tinfect could literally copy-paste 500 without the blocker and submit that, I am awaiting whether she intends to do that upon repeal. If not, I will write a replacement.
  8. saintpeter

    [Accelerator - GA] Repeal "International Criminal Protocol"

    The target offers many good protections; that is not the point. The problem is that - completely unnecessarily - it includes a clause that prohibits the WA from banning the death penalty, which is exactly why TNP opposed this proposal when it was at vote originally. I believe - as did TNP when...
  9. saintpeter

    [Accelerator - GA - Passed] Land Reclamation Regulation

    Not sure yet. Last time this was at vote, there were a lot of concerns over the heavy-handiness of the proposal. How has this been addressed?
  10. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @Tinfect has passed the Speaker's check and is granted citizenship condititional upon passing the other checks.
  11. saintpeter

    [Accelerator - GA] Repeal "International Criminal Protocol"

    I have academic sources for all the arguments, that I can send you once I'm on my PC. As to Tinfect: the presented opinion are a lot of big words, but no actual precise comments. Shrug. ...... I know there are some people here (although in the minority) that support the death penalty and I...
  12. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @MajorTriad has passed all 3 checks and is now a citizen. @Dillon Honore has passed the Speaker's check and is granted citizenship conditional upon passing the other checks.
  13. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    Please reapply using the standard format.
  14. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    Democratu is not located in TNP.
  15. saintpeter

    Citizenship and Residency Updates

    The citizenship records have been updated.
  16. saintpeter

    [SC - PASSED] Commend Kuriko

    "Commend Kuriko" was passed 11,552 votes to 2,189 (84.1% support).
  17. saintpeter

    [SC - FAILED] Condemn Northern Borland

    By the way, see also this proposal's previous discussion:
  18. saintpeter

    WA Proposal Updates and Overviews

    Condemn Northern Borland by Tinhampton has been submitted: Voting Thread: Overview for Condemn Northern Borland: Condemns Northern Borland based on its stats. Forum...
  19. saintpeter

    [SC - FAILED] Condemn Northern Borland

    For. I know that many are not fans of stat-based C&Cs, but I feel those can be appropriate, and this is one of those cases.
  20. saintpeter

    [SC - FAILED] Condemn Northern Borland

    IFV - No Recommendation The Security Council proposal, "Condemn Northern Borland", seeks to condemn Northern Borland on the basis of their nation's in-game statistics. The proposal lists a number of worrisome statistics, and attempts to build a narrative of a nation lacking even the most basic...
  21. saintpeter

    [SC - FAILED] Condemn Northern Borland

    Condemn Northern Borland Category: Condemnation | Target: Northern Borland Proposed by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Voting...
  22. saintpeter

    World Assembly Accelerator Program [UPDATED MARCH 2023]

    WA Nation: Tinhampton (I'll be co-author) Proposal Title: Repeal: "International Crime Protocol" Council: GA Proposal Category: Repeal Link to Proposal: - A new, much better draft which I co-authored will soon go on the forums. I shall...
  23. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @MajorTriad has passed the Speaker's check and is granted citizensip conditional upon passage of the other checks.
  24. saintpeter

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @A Salmon Named Harold and @Upper East Antarctica have failed to post on the forum or RMB in 30 days and will be remasked as residents. Residents @Hopsin, @Kenaniahistan, @SolidAir and @Fabioseb failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as members.
  25. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @Sarah and @Alleycat have passed all three checks and are now citizens.
  26. saintpeter

    Citizenship Applications

    @New Carthagenensis and @spencerd123 have passed the Speaker's check, as well as the other checks, and are now citizens. @Alleycat has passed the Speaker's check and is granted citizenship conditional on passing the administrators' check.
  27. saintpeter

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @Nellie Hart has failed to post on the forum or RMB in 30 days and will be remasked as a resident.
  28. saintpeter

    Oaths of Office
