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  1. TAO

    RMB Recruiter Log

    TG is what you have to do to keep them honest. A polite TG is often well-received and a polite reply is often given. TAO agrees that it appears nit-picky but many spammers test your region's resolve by such actions. The 15-line limit you guys impose is the harder thing to deal with. The...
  2. TAO

    Fifteen Lines!

    Yeah ... a law you cannot enforce. Where are the teeth of this?
  3. TAO

    Some questions from Dalimbar's WG-ASI

    We CommRangers have warned individual nations and also whole regions regarding the 24-hour rule. For many, it solves the problem of too often spam. Butthe 15 line limit you guys have is all but unenforceable. Your only hope is the courtesy and respect of the recruiters. And TAO will tell you...
  4. TAO

    Anti-Spam Methods

    TAO sees what what you are saying. My apologies. Yes, the lack of TNP concern for the RMB and the lack of organization for clearing the RMB are having negative effects on this region. If the RMB is thought to be nothing more than an advertising venue for userites, then new players will...
  5. TAO

    Anti-Spam Methods

    TAO disagrees, MO. The CommRangers can and do make difference in TWP, TP and Lazarus without the delegates' help. We have our little "protocol" book for how to handle violators and the Mods are quick to respond to CommRanger reports. But TAO will agree that if your delegate doesn't give a...
  6. TAO

    Some questions from Dalimbar's WG-ASI

    CommRanger Alpha is the nation I use in TNP to coordinate CR spam-busting. There are a few natives who assist in the work (Haor Chall is a great help). I do not have a current list. I usually lurk the forum PMing RA members ask ing for antispam assistance and a (very) few respond with...
  7. TAO

    MiniCommer Question Time

    But Tres has been away too.
  8. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    Ever since hiding the war debate from view, TAO has become more concerned about this region. Why hide things? With the advent of Feeder AdSpam by someone posing as a representative of the NPA, it appears that something is big-time wrong. Again, why hide things?
  9. TAO


    Sad to see you go, OPA. But tell Teh Dibly TAO said hello.
  10. TAO

    MiniCommer Question Time

    TAO doesn't think this is the work of Mesian or even ordered by Mesian ... at least not until Mesian answers. If this is not the NPA, then Dalimbar should go to the Mods with a formal complaint.
  11. TAO

    MiniCommer Question Time

    TAO was under the opinion that Feeders agreed not to recruit in other Feeders. This was found on TWP's RMB ... is this really from TNP's NPA? If not, this region has a Mod-Complaint to make. If this is one of TNP's adspams, "you got a lot of 'splaynin to do, Luthy"
  12. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    Popular?! Heck Flem, you're Super.
  13. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    Siggi away, my friend. :) Following along with the RA debate on a declaration of war, it is suggested that such a thing is simply to create activity. TAO categorically disagrees. The Constitution of this region calls for the NPA to defend against all threats. And while to some the current...
  14. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    They obviously crave DRAMA ... why else would "the gnat" pick on a region this size? What is wrong with giving them their "Little War" in their own region? What is wrong with producing the second act of their DRAMA? Think of it as a WarZone exercise and give everyone who participates the...
  15. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    And this is why we stagnate; this is why the game spirals down. It is people who see no reason to do anything different ... or anything at all ... that slow us down until we stop. Who would have thought that T. S. Eliot would have played in TNP!
  16. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    TAO is older yet. Recently hit the big four-niner. Old is just a state of mind.
  17. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    Well then ... if you are surrendering, TAO will be happy to continue stirring up those masses. As to TAO's idea being a poor argument ... your "stagnation option" does hold much more appeal. And TAO is sure you will embellish your option in the RA. But whatever you say, realize it is...
  18. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    But if the buzzing is a wasp, the sting could kill. Since so few have taken part in this dicussion and the majority appear in favor of the idea, the anti-masses which you represent, Flem, also look ethereal.
  19. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    Yes ...there is that, isn't there? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's recap, shall we?!?! In PRINCIPAL, the thought of going through the butt-kicking motions against a terrorist region that has invaded TNP and attacked/disrupted TNP's political process is an idea supported by the masses of this...
  20. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    TAO never said to hit them with an Imperialistic Onslaught ... to the contrary. Attack and watch every last man, woman, entity get the Founder BANJECT. Don't go for PUNISHMENT ... go for PRINCIPAL. Even if you take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but memories, it will be a SOMETHING in...
  21. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    Trample?? Flem, TNP could jump on them with 100 nations and still have nothing happen to them because their forunder is active. This is not for conquest but for DRAMA. And think about it ... TNP looks good because it doesn't take any BULLF!SH from two-bit threats and you really help out the...
  22. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    About time! We need some DRAMA!
  23. TAO

    North Pacific Destroyers

    TNP should just invade them for the heck of it. A declaration is a declaration. So what if they have a founder and every NP soldier is booted ... give the poor saps some DRAMA. Give them an opportunity to say they actually did more than talk $#17. They will talk about that for months ... and...
  24. TAO

    Founderless regions?

    We already do have to do just that and that is why TAO pushed the CommRangers into the international arena to assist the Feeders with recruiting. The Feeders have been finding themselves with a shrinking pool of new and talented blood for a long time now. The spammers are able to pull off a...
  25. TAO

    Founderless regions?

    TAO still thinks it would be a good idea to erase all founderless regions outside the Game regions to stir up activity. Well ... maybe not all ... but at least the very small dead looking ones.
  26. TAO

    the only way

    That's a cop out, BW. WE (the collective of NS players) make the game what it is. WE force the game's tech team to make changes to the game because WE push it to the limits and create nuances that Max and his crew never considered. If WE can think outside the box again and create another...
  27. TAO

    the only way

    Not true ... there are on the scene working hard to improve ... oops! wait a minute ... that's Cyber Nations ... never mind.
  28. TAO

    Rules for AdSpammers

    Yeah ... stupid is better than spam. This region just needs to develop some pride in itself again and demonstrate that pride to the world on the RMB. This is the region that first inspired TAO with the excitement of NS. The Great Bight wars, Pixiedance ... the hours and hours of reparte' on...
  29. TAO

    Rules for AdSpammers

    AMEN!! :agree: :jack:
  30. TAO

    Rules for AdSpammers

    But a limit could also adversely affect non-spammers, too. The BEST way to minimize spam is with a busy REGIONAL presence on the RMB.