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  1. Illusia

    Local News Topic

    Ille Hauvre Télégraphe Toujours premier et impartiale Parliament approves multiple infrastructure projects 19 July 2021 by Jeanne Paulette di Rochambeau Château di Assemblea, Grande Hauvre - In a vote held today in the Sénat, a majority of Caselanian senators approved the FY2021 proposals...
  2. Illusia

    Count to 10000 In Roman numeral

  3. Illusia

    My Home

    Liking the new changes so far!
  4. Illusia

    Start a word with the third letter

  5. Illusia

    Tug of War

  6. Illusia

    Tug of War

  7. Illusia

    Oaths of Office

    I, Illusia, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Gameside Advocate, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  8. Illusia

    Voting: May 2021 General Election

    Delegate: Robespierre Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: Cretox State Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  9. Illusia

    Lettras di Montainedrie - Letters of Montedria (Solo RP)

    Ille Lettras di Montainedrie The Letters of Montedria Collection I: The Giosanos Arc (pt. 2) JANUARY 17 08:00 Lisanna could not help to express nothing but sheer disappointment over her father. After all, what seemed to be years of efforts done by her mother and herself were gone down the...
  10. Illusia

    [Collaborative Proposal] Prime Meridian

    for Caselania (hopefully I'm not late): 1. Did your country adopt the Uranometria meridian before 1885? If yes, we can add your country and your blurb (if any) to the draft. - Yes, in 1856. 2. Did your country standardise your country's time before 1885? If yes, we can add you country and your...
  11. Illusia

    The Great Number War.

  12. Illusia

    Lettras di Montainedrie - Letters of Montedria (Solo RP)

    WARNING: the following posts are filled with expletives. Ille Lettras di Montainedrie The Letters of Montedria Collection I: The Giosanos Arc (pt. 1) JANUARY 17 07:15 First Person - Patrice Emile di Giosano ...and there it goes. I do hope Genella receives it. I tidy up my desk before...
  13. Illusia

    TNP Poetry Contest Voting

    Vote 1: Poem 3 Vote 2: Poem 13 Vote 3: Poem 5
  14. Illusia

    Nationale informazione di Caselanique | Caselanian Worldbuilding Thread

    CONTINUATION The Kingdom of Caselania had been sided with the Dominion against the Allies in the entire duration of the Fascist Wars. Through there, it had facilitated in helping out its allies, and primarily, its enemy was the Allied-aligned Empire of Syrixia, with the Montedrian campaign...