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  1. Chasmanthe

    Treize Dreizehn for the Prosecution

    Just a little bit, but is it silly enough?
  2. Chasmanthe

    The North Pacific Investigation Department Bill

    I agree with Treize and SillyString on this. During my term as AG I delegated almost all the work to others, that seems to be the direction your proposal is driving at. At present investigative authority is very centralised, and that means if my assistants get too chaotic, I can fire them...
  3. Chasmanthe

    Request for review:

    No but that sounds like a much smarter question so if it so please the court to answer that instead, I would not begrudge it doing so. My enquiry was along the lines that since we can legislate to create a roleplay, can't we apply our laws to a roleplay?
  4. Chasmanthe

    Request for review:

    Article II, of the constitution, your honour, with particular emphasis on paragraph two.
  5. Chasmanthe

    History of TNP (Work in Progress)

    Treenudity was delegate before the regional forum was set up. They were very active on the RMB all the communication would habe been in the gameworld back then. Treenudity was personable and uncontroversial. The forum, not this one, was created by the twoslit experiment. The current forums were...
  6. Chasmanthe

    Voting: July 2014 Judicial Election

    TNP Nation: Chasmanthe. Court Justice (Pick 3): Blue Wolf II, SillyString, Grosseschauzer. Would you like to reopen nominations? No. Attorney General: Chasmanthe. Would you like to reopen nominations? No.
  7. Chasmanthe

    Request for review:

    The constitution gives legislative authority to a body of nations called the Regional Assembly, or "RA" for short. The RA has the power to enact, amend, and repeal laws. It's not clear to me what may be the scope of the laws made by the assembly. It can be gameplay, roleplay, forum...
  8. Chasmanthe

    Return GS to the Court -- it needs experienced new blood!

    :agree: I was not expecting this inconsistency.
  9. Chasmanthe

    Treize Dreizehn for the Prosecution

    I'm running on exactly the same platform as last time. Did you check the archives? No, it's not fair, but you are the only person in The North Pacific whohas complained about it. If I acted like on every complaint I wouldn't be a popular AG, now would I? By the way, I defeated you in the last...
  10. Chasmanthe

    Proposal: Repeal of Flemingovianism as State Religion

    I voted for Flem's motion which he rushed to the floor and is now voting against due to what is apparently moderation issues. If you motion something you should vote for it regardless of second thoughts. It's inconsiderate to your fellow RA members. If you don't like Roman's behaviour then...
  11. Chasmanthe

    Treize Dreizehn for the Prosecution

    If you were not banned for legal reasons, then why were you banned? Is it nothing to do with who you would support and who you would undermine? Is it nothing to do with a strong impression of the reprehensibility of your character? You value work and meritocracy, as do many people. But isn't...
  12. Chasmanthe

    Tyr's Hand Party

    Election time! You may not have decided your votes yet. I would like to propose four motions. Firstly, vote for me as attorney general. I've done it for four months and I've had no complaints. I believe I've shown I don't go overboard prosecuting and I haven't used the position to destabilise...
  13. Chasmanthe

    Censure Bill

    I agree with flem and roman. I think nierr is doing us a favour by reminding us of this. Intimidation is very common and we should def codify this to make discouragement more accessible and easier to understand. At least then undesirables will know they have been censured, because the ra motjon...
  14. Chasmanthe

    Censure Bill

    I agree with flem and roman. I think nierr is doing us a favour by reminding us of this. Intimidation is very common and we should def codify this to make discouragement more accessible and easier to understand. At least then undesirables will know they have been censured, because the ra motjon...
  15. Chasmanthe

    PaulWall For Attorney General Exploratory Thread!?!?

    Your post on the regional HQ says you won't let the law be shredded by thugs. Who are these thugs and do people want you to stop them? You say that sedition jokes are not sedition, but doesn't that mean only humorless criminals will be prosecuted? Without a sense of humour how can they ever...
  16. Chasmanthe

    Treize Dreizehn for the Prosecution

    Do you believe legal, political, and personal reasons for decisions are always separable, and if so, is it normally possible to reconstruct one in the form of the other? McMasterdonia banned you when you came to our region, and which categories of considerations (personal, political, legal) do...
  17. Chasmanthe


    The North Pacifican Krone (plural kroner, abbreviation NPK)
  18. Chasmanthe

    The Speaker's Desk

    Okay then let it be known I no longer wish to support that failed motion.
  19. Chasmanthe

    Ambassador Reports

    Wintreath has downgraded our embassy to a consulate, due to a general overhaul of their embassies.
  20. Chasmanthe

    TNL Issue II distribution

    Posted in The Land of Kings and Emperors, Wintreath and Nysa and Caprecia.
  21. Chasmanthe

    The Speaker's Desk

    Can this thread be unlocked as I wish to withdraw my second?
  22. Chasmanthe

    Candidacy declarations: July 2014 Judicial Election

    I nominate myself, or, in other words, I declare my candidacy for Attorney General.
  23. Chasmanthe

    TNL Issue II distribution

    Posted in The Pacific. One down, four to go.
  24. Chasmanthe

    World War I Centenial

    Paul Thomson of the band Franz Ferdinand once said, "I like the idea that, if we become popular, maybe the words Franz Ferdinand will make people think of the band instead of the historical figure" - talking to is this music?.[1] Since it's the centenary of Franz Ferdinand's death I googled the...
  25. Chasmanthe

    interesting aside

    I think there are many, many reasons to abstain. I used to use abstain very rarely, I would always stick to voting aye or nay. Some of the reasons I abstain are mainly to do with feeling discouraged by Flem and others that my participation was unwanted and counter-productive, but still wanting...
  26. Chasmanthe

    Completed: REGIONAL BOOK

    ...and Northern Lights is by an author called Philip Pullman. No relation to Bill Pullman, but makes it easier to remember.
  27. Chasmanthe

    Completed: REGIONAL BOOK

    Northern Lights I went and got this today for £2.50
  28. Chasmanthe

    Completed: REGIONAL BOOK

    Since Roman nominated what I nominated, can I make a replacement nomination?
  29. Chasmanthe

    Contempt of Court Bill Proposal

    I can see Grosse's point about implenting this within the Court Rules instead of the legal code, but I'm not sure that would be right, because I think what we need is analagous to English Law, somebody in contempt can have sanctions imposed by the judge, without any additional trial, they can be...