Search results

  1. 9003

    Voting: September 2022 General Election

    Ignore this please
  2. 9003

    Voting- March 2022 Judicial Election

    Court Justice 1. 9003 Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  3. 9003

    Candidacy Declararions: March 2022 Judicial Election

    Sure why not! I’ll accept my nomination.
  4. 9003

    Voting: September 2021 General Election

    Delegate: 1. < Dreadton > 2. < Comfed > 3. < MTdemocracy | | > Would you like to reopen nominations? < | No > Vice Delegate: 1. < Lord Dominator | > 2. < Blue Wolf II Would you like to reopen nominations? < | No > Speaker: Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  5. 9003

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Was it on the rhein states? If it was not I may have flipped some variables lol EDIT: Answered my own question by looking at the gift log, Let me get the hammer out to fix it.
  6. 9003

    Ministry of Cards Office

    Effective immediately I will be stepping down to clear my position due to real life time constraints. During my term the great giveaway has been restarted and automated to a more sustainable crowd sourced model. Likewise the executive staff rewards sheet under went some minor maintenance to...
  7. 9003

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  8. 9003

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Accepted! welcome to the cards guild
  9. 9003

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Looks like you aren't a citizen! make sure to sign up there first then join the guild and I can add any of your requests. Both of your donations have been added to the sheets, thanks for powering the giveaway!
  10. 9003

    [SC- MISSED QUORUM] Accord on Mass Telegrams

    Against it'll go nowhere.
  11. 9003

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Will do. It works by members donating cards to other members now. The premium requests are just an incentive to donate.
  12. 9003

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Nation Donating: 9003 Card Donated TO: Ethnon Card donated: Proof Code: 0.8817181972577078 Nation Donating: 9003 Card Donated TO: Racoda Card donated...
  13. 9003

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    The greatest and newest reopening of The Great Cards Giveaway. The original post has been updated to reflect the new rules but here are the highlights of the new program. You can now request Any card including legendary cards No longer in effect! The cards program will be powered by guild...
  14. 9003

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    accepted! Make sure to get your citizenship first then apply again!
  15. 9003

    Count to 10000 In Roman numeral

  16. 9003

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

  17. 9003

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  18. 9003

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: 9003 Ministry you are interested in joining: HA (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Something somewhere probably.
  19. 9003

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Both accepted!
  20. 9003

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Pending Citizen checks I'll admit you in. If you get citizenship and I don't add you poke me and I'll accept you.
  21. 9003

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    The current status of this program is on temporary hold.
  22. 9003

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    All up to date and added thanks for waiting
  23. 9003

    Opening Report for May 2021

    Hello, Cards! Many of you know me from serving with the NPA and others know me form the top of the cards leader board. Others yet know me from my extend tenure from here. With out further ado I will be kicking off this term to a successful and introspective view on the Ministry of Cards. Many...
  24. 9003

    Oaths of Office

    I, 9003, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Minister of Cards, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  25. 9003

    Voting: May 2021 General Election

    Delegate: 1. Nimarya 2. < 2 and 2 is Fish > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Rom Would you like to reopen nominations? < no Speaker: < East Isles Would you like to reopen nominations? no
  26. 9003

    Count to 10 before Comfed posts

  27. 9003

    The MOAB Act

    Section 33 seems ambiguous and unnecessary as the other sections outline what we can and can't do It could be considered rude to close embassys. It's also not very polite to say hello we are here now and we control your region tag refound or fash bash the natives don't want us there and we're...