Search results

  1. 9003

    December Discord Derby all are welcome!

    The Wellspring would like to invite you all to our December Discord Derby of winter! Starting in 4 days, all are invited to partake! Enjoy the wonderful weather.
  2. 9003

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: 9003 Ministry you are interested in joining: WA (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Yes Discord Username (if applicable): 9003
  3. 9003

    [GA—AT VOTE—AGAINST] Mining Safety Accord

    [Non-WA but NPA] For the author
  4. 9003

    Oaths of Office

    I, 9003, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Advisor to the Delegate, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  5. 9003

    Reopened Voting: September 2024 Delegate Election

    Delegate: 1. < Picairn > 2. < Pallaith > 3. < Dreadton >
  6. 9003

    Voting: September 2024 General Election

    Delegate: < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes > Vice Delegate: < Sil Dorsett > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < AraFuttio > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Best Numbered TNPer: < 9003 > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  7. 9003

    Gameside Advocate Appointments

    I herby appoint @Neptune as a GA and welcome them back to the team!
  8. 9003

    Oaths of Office

    I, 9003, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as lead gameside advocate , I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  9. 9003

    Voting: May 2024 General Election

    Delegate: 1. < Simone > 2. < Dreadton > 3. < Robespierre > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Chipoli > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: 1. < AraFuttio > 2. < Cloud > 3. < Noscar > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  10. 9003

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation:9003 I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific...
  11. 9003

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation 9003 I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific...
  12. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    480976,3,,Sent to jim_morrison,Mikeswill help 3390462,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 4245891,3,,Sent to killer_whales,ongoing 36999,3,,Sent to francois_rabelais,Mikeswill help 34333,3,,Sent to john_wyclif,Mikeswill help 4284128,3,,Sent to white_walker85,Mikeswill help 4853911,3,,Sent to tape,tape...
  13. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    864275,3,,Sent to ,patti_smith,Mikeswill help 493891,3,,Sent to the-metaphysics_of_immanuel_kant,Mikeswill help 864275,3,,Sent to ,patti_smith,Mikeswill help 493891,3,,Sent to the-metaphysics_of_immanuel_kant,Mikeswill help 5118315,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 34324,3,,Sent to...
  14. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    255539,3,,Sent to -grateful_dead,Mikeswill help 546685,3,,Sent to kent_state_massacre,Mikeswill help 899625,3,,Sent to moken_sea_peoples,Mikeswill help 493891,3,,Sent to the-metaphysics_of_immanuel_kant,Mikeswill help 34419,3,,Sent to round_lensed_sunglasses,Mikeswill help 34361,3,,Sent to...
  15. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    707570,3,,Sent to jetpunk,Mikeswill help 707570,3,,Sent to jetpunk,Mikeswill help 889519,3,,Sent to el_hajj_malik_el_shabzz,Mikeswill help 34335,3,,Sent to last_dance,Mikeswill help 3883322,3,,Sent to notorious_rbg,Mikeswill help 34335,3,,Sent to last_dance,Mikeswill help 255539,3,,Sent to...
  16. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    4418307,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929805,3,,Sent to blue_beetles,ongoing 4418107,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929818,3,,Sent to divine_beetles,ongoing 3929831,3,,Sent to festival_beetles,ongoing 3929820,3,,Sent to dragon_beetles,ongoing 3929941,3,,Sent to...
  17. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    4477306,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 4465110,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 4429199,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 4489445,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 4418092,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 4486738,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG...
  18. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    3929863,3,,Sent to halloween_beetles,ongoing 3929889,3,,Sent to november_beetles,ongoing 3929878,3,,Sent to may_beetles,ongoing 3929878,3,,Sent to may_beetles,ongoing 693000,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 4477292,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929951,3,,Sent to water_beetles,ongoing...
  19. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    4790982,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 3809256,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 4477295,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929940,3,,Sent to time_beetles,ongoing 5161553,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929796,3,,Sent to autumn_beetles,ongoing 3929813,3,,Sent to cursed_beetles,ongoing...
  20. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    693000,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 3929941,3,,Sent to toxic_beetles,ongoing 5005000,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 4429234,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 4156510,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 4477310,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 4470054,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG...
  21. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    3019465,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 3929842,3,,Sent to friend_beetles,ongoing 4672985,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 4462164,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929945,3,,Sent to turtoise_beetles,ongoing 4489448,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929944,3,,Sent to...
  22. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    3929800,3,,Sent to bee_beetles,ongoing 3929886,3,,Sent to mystery_beetles,ongoing 3929857,3,,Sent to cyan_beetles,ongoing 3929849,3,,Sent to forest_beetles,ongoing 3929856,3,,Sent to green_beetles,ongoing 3929878,3,,Sent to may_beetles,ongoing
  23. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    4502446,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 5161554,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 5130813,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 4717453,3,,Sent to tape,tape requests 3929808,3,,Sent to campfire_beetles,ongoing 4477306,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 4489448,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for...
  24. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    5161530,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929795,3,,Sent to august_beetles,ongoing 4418321,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929878,3,,Sent to may_beetles,ongoing 4418310,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929945,3,,Sent to turtoise_beetles,ongoing 3929796,3,,Sent to...
  25. 9003

    Confirmation of Gorundu as Election Commissioner

    It does raise concern does gor want this even? If so is there a reason he didn’t post an oath?
  26. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Small(er) report of cards gifted 4486718,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG 3929937,3,,Sent to storm_beetles,ongoing 3929927,3,,Sent to silver_beetles,ongoing 3929869,3,,Sent to june_beetles,ongoing 3929809,3,,Sent to candy_beetles,ongoing 4474005,3,,Sent to killer_whales,funds for MLG...
  27. 9003

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: 9003 I pledge loyalty to The North Pacfic and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific...
  28. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Gifted The following sent to killer_whales make sure to mark it on the sheet Gifted The following sent to mars_beetles make sure to...
  29. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Gifted The following sent to storm_beetles make sure to mark it on the sheet Gifted The following sent to killer_whales make sure...
  30. 9003

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Gifted The following sent to fire_beetles make sure to mark it on the sheet Gifted The following sent to water_beetles make sure to...