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  1. Peeps

    Confirmation of Westinor and Peeps as Election Commissioners

    I would count the ballot as having McMasterdonia as the first choice and Siwale as the second choice. I would not count their RON vote. If a ballot has preferences as well as abstain, then the abstain is not counted. Only yes or no is acceptable for RON so their vote is not counted there...
  2. Peeps

    [GA - PASSED] Right To Assemble

    For (non-WA)
  3. Peeps

    Europeia February Update

    Europeia February Update 9 February 2021 In the month of February, Europeia had two major events, the commendation of our founder, as well as the EuroChoice awards celebration, a look back at our region in 2020. HEM, founder of Europeia, commended Adapted from an EBC article published...
  4. Peeps

    Confirmation of Westinor and Peeps as Election Commissioners

    I would say that I have sufficient familiarity to serve as an EC. I have reviewed all applicable laws and the EC rules and am confident that I will be able to serve well on the body. As for comparability to my other experiences I believe that both processes do have similarities beyond that in...
  5. Peeps

    Confirmation of Westinor and Peeps as Election Commissioners

    I have no concrete plans to do so however I cannot rule it out. I do not believe any change is needed at this time. Only to execute the office to the best of my abilities, including overseeing an election if possible. I do not plan on running for Chief EC.
  6. Peeps

    Citizenship Applications

    @Temeraire @Capablanca have passed the Speakers check and are granted Citizenship conditional on passing the other checks.
  7. Peeps

    Citizenship Applications

    @Antigona @Tringapore @Landrayi pass the Speakers Check and having passed all three checks are granted Citizenship.
  8. Peeps

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as a member: @OuterGalacticBankingClan @Stone Ira @Streidenberg @Truavania The following has not posted on the forums or the RMB in the past 30 days and will be remasked as residents: @Entecavir @scubadriver
  9. Peeps

    NPA Flexibility Act

    Merged clauses 33 and 34 for simplicity.
  10. Peeps

    NPA Flexibility Act

    There are already laws about the NPA. This loosens them around foreign operations which was the status quo before the recent r4r.
  11. Peeps

    Foreign Affairs Report

    Here is the first Foreign Affairs Report! Here you will find important events that concluded in the month of January from regions with a relevance to us. South Pacific released a regional update covering their recent delegate election and some FA developments. A new copy of The Western Post...
  12. Peeps

    NPA Flexibility Act

    Changed. Doesn't really matter, at least from my view.
  13. Peeps

    [SC - PASSED] Commend King HEM

    Fair. Was not aware.
  14. Peeps

    [SC - PASSED] Commend King HEM

    Non-WA For Would be curious as to what reason.
  15. Peeps

    NPA Flexibility Act

    I don't know, refunding regions is a terrible practice. Fixed :P
  16. Peeps

    Citizenship Applications

    @The Savaskan Dictatorship @PaintedBlue @Leftist Zicona have passed all three checks and will be masked as Citizens @Antigona has failed the speakers check and as such their application is rejected; please reapply without your nation pretitle
  17. Peeps

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @The Tampa Bay Rays has all failed to post on the forum or RMB in 30 days and will be remasked as resident @Sitero and @Faircliff have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as member
  18. Peeps

    Europeian Statement on Anti-Fascist Quorum Raids

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Information (Discord): moe#7620 (Europeia, 28/01/2020) - Recently, The North Pacific issued a statement regarding the latest quorum raids it initiated to prevent a Security Council resolution from going to vote. The Security Council in question was a liberation...
  19. Peeps

    NPA Flexibility Act

    True, perhaps something like this;
  20. Peeps

    NPA Flexibility Act

    Quick fix to the recent R4R found here The only change is to only apply sections 32 and 33 to ops led by NPA. This would return the NPA to the status quo pre R4R.
  21. Peeps

    Citizenship Application Amendment Act

    I would like to know specifically where they are clear on this. I lean more on the side of where Dreadton is coming from, when NS asks you for your nation name, such as when logging in, mentioning in the RMB, or using the API, if you use your pretitle it won't work. It seems to be that a...
  22. Peeps

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    @Felis has failed to post on the forums or RMB in the past 30 days and will be remasked as resident. @Arichia has failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as member.
  23. Peeps

    Citizenship Applications

    @OverDude passes the Speakers Check and is granted Citizenship conditional on passing the Admin check.
  24. Peeps

    Citizenship Application Amendment Act

    From what I was told, in both your term and now Robes' term is that we are not to accept applications that have the pretitle. If there is this much confusion about the law, it would make sense to clarify it just to ensure that further confusion does not occur.
  25. Peeps

    Citizenship Application Amendment Act

    That's a good idea. For now I will put it in the act as an option, however if others think everyone should just use it I'd not be opposed to making that the only choice.
  26. Peeps

    Citizenship Application Amendment Act

    Potentially. However I personally have never had a case of such a thing occuring while processing nations, and the chances that both would be residing in TNP would make it even more unlikely for such a thing to happen. Also, weighing the costs and benefits, the incredibly slim chance that a...
  27. Peeps

    Citizenship Application Amendment Act

    The only change in this would be adding the ability for the Speakers Office to process applications that include the nation's pretitle. Right now that is the most common reason that causes the Speakers Office rejects applications. Edited to change to links only for reasons detailed below